
对国有经济改革的历史考察——纪念改革开放40周年 被引量:3

Historical Review of the Reform of the State Sector of the Economy: Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening Up
摘要 考察国有经济改革发展历程和阶段性特征,可以将其划分为五个阶段:市场取向改革的起步阶段(1979-1984年),国有经济实行以扩大企业自主权为特征的改革;市场取向改革的全面展开阶段(1985-1992年),国有经济实行以企业承包经营责任制为特征的改革;市场取向改革的制度初步建立阶段(1993-2000年),国有经济实行以建立现代企业制度和战略调整为特征的改革;市场取向改革的制度完善阶段(2001-2011年),国有经济实行以继续推进战略调整和完善现代企业制度为特征的改革;以市场取向改革为重点的全面深化改革阶段(2012-2017年),国有经济实行以主要管资本和加快发展混合所有制为特征的改革。近40年的持续改革,使国有经济在战略性调整,国有企业在战略性重组、公司制股份制改造,以及国有经济管理体制实现从主要管企业到主要管资本的转变等方面,都有不同程度的重要进展,为进一步的改革打下了坚实基础。这是我国建立社会主义市场经济的一项最重要的基础性成就。今后国有经济改革步伐有望加快。 The reform course of the state sector of the economy can be divided into five stages as follows according to its stage characteristics: the initial stage( 1979-1984) of market oriented reform featuring the expansion of decision making powers of the enterprises in the state sector of the economy; comprehensive expansion stage( 1985-1992) of the market oriented reform featuring the managerial responsibility system of contracting in the state sector of the economy; system preliminary establishment stage( 1993-2000) of the market oriented reform featuring the establishment of modern enterprise system and strategic adjustment in the state sector of the economy; the system refinement stage( 2001-2011) of the market oriented reform featuring continuous strategic adjustment and refinement of modern enterprise system in the state sector of the economy; deepening reform in all areas stage( 2012-2017),which emphasizes the market oriented reform,featuring capital management and accelerated promotion of mixed ownership in the state sector of the economy. The continuous reform in nearly 40 years achieves significant progresses of various degrees in such aspects as strategic adjustment of the state sector of the economy,strategic reorganization,corporate system reform and shareholding reform of the state owned enterprises,and the management system shift of the state sector of the economy from mainly managing enterprises to mainly managing capital. This lays a solid foundation for further reform and is the most important fundamental achievement for our country to establish socialist market economy. The reform steps of the state sector of the economy are expected to accelerate in the future.
作者 汪海波 WANG Haibo(Institute of Industrial Economics,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100044)
出处 《中国浦东干部学院学报》 2018年第3期102-119,共18页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong
关键词 国有经济改革 企业自主权 企业承包经营责任制 市场取向改革 现代企业制度 混合所有制 reform of the state sector of the economy decision making powers of the enterprises the managerial re-sponsibility system of contracting market oriented reform modem enterprise system mixed ownership
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