通过对川藏公路南线八一至然乌段实地考察及对考察结果、已有资料的分析 ,本文运用统计学原理探讨了雅鲁藏布大拐弯北段地区滑坡与水岩作用的关系 ,并结合该地区发育的滑坡灾害具体分析了该地区水岩作用与滑坡的关系。经分析认为 ,该地区水岩作用条件复杂且利于发育各种典型的水岩作用 ,但地域性特殊的水岩作用形式更发育 ,并对雅鲁藏布地区滑坡灾害形成。
By investigating the section from Bayi to Ranwu of the south of Sichuan-Tibet road on the spot, and analyzing the results of investigation and the collected data, the paper which based on the theory of statistics discussed the relationship of water-rock interaction and slopes in the north of the great turn of Yaluzangbu. The results indicate that the conditions of water-rock interaction in this area are complex, and are propitious to develop various typical water-rock interactions; on the other hand, the particular water-rock interaction also developed well for the reasons such as the particular geological conditions. Consequently, the development of water-rock interaction contributes to the development and formation of landslides in the area.
Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology
中国科学院知识创新工程项目资助 (KZCX2 30 6 )