
The effect of ocean wave on the vertical spatial correlation of ocean ambient noise

The effect of ocean wave on the vertical spatial correlation of ocean ambient noise
摘要 The effect of the correlation function of noise sources derived from the ocean wave spectrum on the vertical spatial correlation of ocean ambient noise is investigated. The spatial correlation models of ocean ambient noise usually assume that the surface noise sources are uncorrelated. This assumption can be used to explain some physical phenomena, but it is not consistent with the real situation. Considering the relation between the ocean wave motion and the ambient noise generated by wind, the spectrum of ocean wave is introduced to calculate the vertical correlation of ocean ambient noise as the correlation function of noise sources by using the Kuperman-Ingenito (K/I) noise model. The comparison of the simulations and the experimental data shows that the simulations of vertical correlation of ambient noise have some differences with the experimental data by assuming the noise sources are uncorrelated and the simulations of vertical correlation of ambient noise have a good agreement with the experimental data by using the correlation function of noise sources derived from the ocean wave spectrum under the situation of high wind speed. The effect of the correlation function of noise sources derived from the ocean wave spectrum on the vertical spatial correlation of ocean ambient noise is investigated. The spatial correlation models of ocean ambient noise usually assume that the surface noise sources are uncorrelated. This assumption can be used to explain some physical phenomena, but it is not consistent with the real situation. Considering the relation between the ocean wave motion and the ambient noise generated by wind, the spectrum of ocean wave is introduced to calculate the vertical correlation of ocean ambient noise as the correlation function of noise sources by using the Kuperman-Ingenito (K/I) noise model. The comparison of the simulations and the experimental data shows that the simulations of vertical correlation of ambient noise have some differences with the experimental data by assuming the noise sources are uncorrelated and the simulations of vertical correlation of ambient noise have a good agreement with the experimental data by using the correlation function of noise sources derived from the ocean wave spectrum under the situation of high wind speed.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Acoustics》 CSCD 2018年第3期291-309,共19页 声学学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11304342)
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