
女子排球运动员鞭打动作功能诊断模型构建与实验研究 被引量:7

Study on Function Diagnosis Model Building and Experiment of Women Volleyball Players' Spike Movement
摘要 起跳、移动、手臂挥击等动作构成了排球运动员专项体能的核心要素,鞭打动作的诊断和训练可以有效提高其手臂挥击能力。通过专家访谈法、特尔斐法构建排球运动员鞭打动作的功能诊断模型;通过测试法提炼与鞭打动作相关性高的测试动作和诊断指标;通过实验法验证动作训练改善鞭打动作弱环节的有效性。发现:1)女子副攻运动员在大负荷强度下的鞭打功率相对主攻较弱,应加强最大力量和鞭打功率训练;2)女子排球运动员随着负荷量增加,速度保持能力较好,功率的提升显著,鞭打动作训练的重点应放在动作的功率训练上;3)女子排球运动员胸、肩前肌群过紧,核心稳定性不够,应重视松解胸、肩前肌群,加强中、下斜方肌的力量,提高核心区稳定条件下的上肢开、闭链运动能力;4)鞭打动作的功能诊断体系由测试动作、诊断指标、诊断标准3个部分构成,通过测试动作和诊断指标,计算诊断标准,确定相应力量主题的训练动作。4周的上体和全身鞭打动作训练能够有效改善上体鞭打功率、全身鞭打功率和躯干贡献率,鞭打动作功能诊断模型与动作训练方法有效。 Volleyball play ers’ jum p ,mobile and arm swing structure constitute the core elements of special physical fi tn es s ,and the diagnosis and training of spiking movement can effectively improve the ability of arm swing. This research is carried out through expert interview and Delphi method to construct the volleyball athletes spiking function diagnosis model,the test method to extracting test movement and diagnosis index which is high correlation to sp ik e ,and the experiment to verify the effect of the movement training. The result showed that 1) the seco n d-sp ik er has poor arm power than the main spiker under the heavy lo ad ; 2) women’ s volleyball players has the good ability to keep speed with the increase of lo ad, power increase significantly, and the fitness training should focus on the power training; 3) the player upper shoulder muscles are too tight; core stability is not enough; chest and shoulder muscles should be relaxed; lower trapezius muscle should be strengthened; and core stability and open closed chain movement with the upper limb should be improved; and 4) the function of the spiking movement diagnosis model is composed of the test ac tion , diagnosis in d ex , and diagnostic standard. The training subject of motion and power should be determined based on test movement, diagnosis index and diagnostic criteria. The action of 4 -weeks training can effectively improve the contribution rate of the torso, the power of the upper body and whole kinetic, where spiking movement function diagnosis model and movement training method is effective.
作者 王骏昇 钟秉枢 WANG Junsheng;ZHONG Bingshu(Capital University of Physicsl Education and SpolCs,Beijing 100191,China.)
机构地区 首都体育学院
出处 《首都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期346-351,共6页 Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
基金 北京市属高校高水平教师队伍建设支持计划青年拔尖人才项目(CIT&TCD201804092) 首都体育学院内涵建设-青少年身体运动功能训练方法手段及其效果研究项目(28517001)
关键词 排球运动员 鞭打动作 功能诊断 动作训练 volleyball play ers spike movement function diagnosis movement training
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