
云计算下个人档案信息共享的治理——以实现共享的知识服务功能为视角 被引量:4

Governance of Personal Archives Information Sharing Under Cloud Computing——From the Perspective of Shared Knowledge Service Functions
摘要 随着云技术的推广运用,个人档案信息共享的功能已跃升为知识服务,但信息安全频遭破坏,这又阻碍了共享的有序开展及其功能的实现。对此我国需要立足于云计算下档案行业实情,运用知识治理的原理并借鉴美欧经验进行机制设计,从而优化共享者内部的科层结构、促进其彼此间交互协作、改善外部的信息生态环境;进而依据机制灵活采取激励、引导与规制等治理手段,以此来促使共享者结成利益共同体来协同实现共享功能。评估治理绩效的核心标准是,信息主体与用户权益受保障的效果及用户对共享的满意度。为优化绩效,治理者应完善档案学会等行业组织对共享者的监督职能,同时通过深化信息素养教育来提升档案管理人员在应对信息安全风险中的决策能力。 In settings of computing cloud, the supply chain of personal archive information come into being, which runs out of order and gives rise to the infringement of information safety and blockage of information sharing. To cope with above-mentioned risks, we should govern supply chains so as to promote information sharing on the basis of safety maintaining in light of experiences of US and EU apart from technique enhancement. In information sharing governing, we should take various measures like urging, guidance and regulation in consideration of different roles of members in sharing like subjects and, archive departments and enterprises of cloud computing. Relative measures should be taken to enhance the governance, such as improvement of information literacy of staff of archive departments, reform the management system of archive departments, as well as enhance cooperation among members in the aspect of information safety. In assessment of governance effect, we should take various factors like the realization of the function of governance apart from technique and benefits.
作者 李仪 张娟
出处 《档案管理》 北大核心 2018年第4期26-30,共5页 Archives Management
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"大数据时代个人信息盗窃的法律问题与对策研究"(批准号:16CFX027)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 个人档案信息共享 云计算 知识服务 共享的治理 治理绩效评估 personal archive information sharing cloud computing knowledge service governance of sharing assessment of governance effect.
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