

Effectiveness Evaluation and Optimization of Industrial Development for Poverty Reduction in Resource-based Regions:Based on the Example of Shanxi Province
摘要 精准扶贫是实现全国"共同富裕"和全面建成小康社会宏伟目标的必然要求,其中,产业扶贫是形成贫困地区内生发展动力,从"要我脱贫"向"我要脱贫"转变,实现永久脱贫的根本出路。对于资源型地区,扶贫过程又有其特殊性,单一的产业结构和脆弱的生态环境为脱贫增加了新的难度。基于山西省的抽样调查,制约资源型地区产业扶贫成效的主要原因有:集体经济发展严重不足,特别是高附加值产业较少;村民被动参与扶贫,主体能动性较差;缺乏有效的带动人,村干部主导引发更多矛盾;脱贫激励不当,缺乏产业配套项目。为了更好地发挥产业扶贫的作用,需要进一步激发村民的能动性,重视区域之间的差异,因地制宜引进适应性的产业,同时加强配套项目建设,建立政府、企业、村民的多元化合作机制。 Targeted Poverty Alleviation is an inevitable requirement for realizing the grand goal of " common prosperity" in the country and building a well-off society in an all-round way. Among them,industrial poverty alleviation is the endogenous development impetus to the poverty-stricken areas. For resource-based areas,poverty alleviation has its own uniqueness. A single industrial structure and a fragile ecological environment have added new difficulties to its elimination. Based on the sample survey in Shanxi Province,the main reasons that restrict the effectiveness of industrial poverty alleviation in resource-based areas include: a serious shortage of collective economic development,especially lacking high value-added industries; passive participation of villagers in poverty reduction and poor motivation; lack of effective driving force; inappropriate incentives for poverty alleviation and lack of industrial support projects. In order to give full play to the role of industrial poverty alleviation,we need to further stimulate the initiative of villagers,pay attention to the differences among regions,introduce adaptive industries according to local conditions,and at the same time,strengthen the construction of ancillary projects and establish a diversified cooperation mechanism among governments,enterprises and villagers.
作者 姬超 JI Chao(Rural Development Research Center of the Central Plains,Xuchang University,Xuchang 461000,China;Department of Politics and Public Administration,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006,China)
出处 《许昌学院学报》 CAS 2018年第7期70-75,共6页 Journal of Xuchang University
基金 第59批博士后科学基金面上项目"资源型地区经济持续增长与政府扩张的内在机理研究"(2016M591407) 2018年度河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划(人文社科类)(2018-cx-029)
关键词 资源型地区 产业扶贫 主体能动性 多元合作 resource - based areas industrial poverty alleviation subjective initiative nmhiple cooperation
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