
苎麻麻骨掺杂餐厨垃圾堆肥对典型气体排放的影响 被引量:1

Effect on emission of typical gas in kitchen waste composting process amended with ramie stalk
摘要 以纯餐厨垃圾为对照,向餐厨垃圾中掺杂20%(鲜重比)苎麻麻骨进行堆肥试验,比较掺杂前后有害气体排放的规律,并结合堆体中元素的形态转化对其机理进行初步讨论。结果表明,堆肥30 d中,苎麻麻骨掺杂使餐厨垃圾腐熟速度显著提高,且对各种气体的排放均有不同影响。(1)有害气体方面,掺杂苎麻麻骨,可使H_2S的排放量显著降低,日均减少排放量1.036 mg/m^3;而NH_3与N_2O的排放量,与堆体中的N元素形态有关,在不同时期,NH_3/N_2O呈不同值;(2)温室气体方面:掺杂苎麻麻骨,CH_4和CO_2排放的最高浓度分别出现于第12 d和第4 d,堆肥全程CH_4的排放降低了62 mg/m^3,而CO_2增加了2.76 mg/m^3;(3)养分元素保留方面,掺杂苎麻麻骨,对TN和TS的保留能力分别提高了5.48%和3.87%。主要原因在于苎麻麻骨掺杂后显著改善了堆体的物理结构,如使堆体孔隙增加,C/N增加,促进了堆体的含氧率和气体扩散速率,使堆体中的好养菌种活性显著强于厌氧菌种。此外,苎麻麻骨自身具有的较强吸附性,也是其能保留养分元素的重要因素之一。 The effects of mature compost on gaseous emissions during composting using kitchen waste amended with ramie stalk were investigated. Apart from a control treatment,the treatments was conducted with the addition of 20%( wet weight of raw materials) of mature compost,combined with the pile body elements in the shape of the transformation of its mechanism carries on the preliminary discussion. And the mechanism are preliminary discussed according to the modal transformation of element in the pile body. The result showed,during 30 d of composting,the treatment group had obviously improved compost maturity,and had different effects on gases release. Emissions of H2 S were reduced,the daily average decrease in emissions was 1. 036 mg/m^3,however,the emissions of NH3 and N2 O were related to the different forms of N,as well as NH3/N2 O,the high emission concentration of CH4 and CO2 were in the 12 ^(th)and 4 ^(th)d,respectively,the CH4 reduce 62 mg/m^3,but CO2 increase 2. 76 mg/m^3;The retention capacity nutrient element of TN and TS in composting process amended with ramie stalk was increased by5. 48% and 3. 87%,respectively. The nutrient element can be kept as a result of mixing ramie stalk into the pile body of kitchen waste,this is mainly due to the physical structure of pile body were improved due to mixing ramie stalk,such as the pile body pore,C/N value,oxygen content in the pile body and the gas diffusion rate were improved,leading to a higher activity of aerobic bacteria. In addition,the strong adsorption capacity is also the important factors that increasing the capacity of retain nutrient elements.
作者 徐升 简敏菲 沈文馨 陈桂琴 徐京鹏 XU Sheng;JIAN Min-fei;SHEN Wen-xin;CHEN Gui-qin;XU Jing-peng(Jiangxi Research Institute of Analyzing and Testing,Nanehang 330029,China;College of Life Science,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanehang 330022,China)
出处 《应用化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期1091-1096,共6页 Applied Chemical Industry
基金 国家自然基金项目(41461042)
关键词 苎麻麻骨 餐厨垃圾 堆肥 有害气体 机理 ramie stalk kitchen waste hamlful gas composting mechanism
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