

On the Summary of Liu Hainian's Law Thought
摘要 刘海年老师作为我国法学领域的资深长者和杰出代表,在60多年的学术生涯中,他的研究视野遍及中国法律史、法治、人权以及政治文明等领域。他的法学思想可集中概括为四个方面:一是法律史领域以史料为基础的研究思想、严谨客观的评价思想;二是法治领域重视法治摒弃人治的思想、依法治国与精神文明建设相结合的思想;三是人权领域个人人权与集体人权并重的思想、人权的普遍性与特殊性思想、以人权理论为指导加强人权保障法治化的思想、积极推动国际人权交流的思想;四是政治文明领域要在不断总结自己经验的基础上认真汲取人类政治文明成果的思想、要以法治为切入点积极稳妥推进政治体制改革的思想、更新观念提高法律文化自觉的思想以及加强和改善党的领导依法执政的思想等。 As a senior and outstanding representative of jurists in China, Liu Hainian has studied the histol7 of Chinese law, the rule of law, human rights and political civilization in his academic career for more than 60 years. His legal thought can be smnmed up in four basic aspects: one is the research thought based on historical data in the field of legal histol7 and rigorous, objective evaluation thinking; the second is the idea of attaching importance to the ruling by law and abandoning the rule of man and the idea of combining ruling the country law with the construction of spiritual civilization in the field of rule of law; the third is the thinking of giving equal emphasis on individual and collective human rights, of the universality and particularity of human rights, of strengthening the guarantee of the rule of law of human rights under the guidance of human rights theory and of actively promoting international human rights exchange in the field of human rights; the fourth is the idea of earnestly absorbing the achievements of human political civilization on the basis of constantly summing up experience, of actively and steadily promoting the reform of the political system from the point of view of the rule of law, of renewing the concept and raising the consciousness of legal culture, and of strengthening and improving the Party' s leadership to rule by law in the field of political civilization.
作者 谭笑珉 刘国强 TAN Xiaomin, LIU Guoqiang(Periodical Department, Nanyang Normal University, Nanyang Henan 473061, China; Law school, Nanyang Normal University, Nanyang Henan 473061, China)
出处 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2018年第4期69-75,共7页 Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
关键词 刘海年 法律史 法治 人权 政治文明 Liu Hainian the history of law the rule of law human rights political civilization
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