
佛教中的动物生态伦理思想 被引量:2

Animal Ethics Thoughts in Buddhism
摘要 佛教中蕴含着丰富而系统的动物生态伦理思想,且其动物生态伦理是以"缘起论"为理论基石。本文在"依正不二"的整体论自然观的理论框架下,重点梳理了佛教中动物感知观、动物生命平等观和动物保护观三个方面有关动物的生态伦理思想。作为佛教理论的根本,缘起论认为宇宙万法皆由因缘所生灭,即世界上一切事物、现象都是互相存在的关系和条件,是一种整体主义的宇宙观。从缘起论中总结出的"依正不二"的思想,阐释了人和自然的关系,即生命主体和生存环境是一种相互依存、相互决定的关系;这一关系要求人类对自然有道德责任和道德义务。动物作为自然界一份子,是道德关怀的对象。在缘起论的俗谛层面,佛教通过阐释动物具有感知苦乐的能力,从而承认动物是道德存在物;但因动物愚痴,即智能不高,不能受道德教化,故又不承认动物是道德主体。在真谛层面,佛教伦理的生命观是"众生皆具佛性",即佛性是所有生命存在的"内在规定性",因而论证了动物具有作为目的本身的内在价值。佛教伦理中的动物感知观和生命平等观为动物保护提供了理论依据。在实践层面,佛教的动物保护观提倡以"大慈大悲"的精神实行戒杀、素食、放生等护生善行,对促进当代动物保护实践有重要意义。 The Buddhist doctrine contains abundant and systematic animal ethic ideology.The Buddhist animal ethics takes the"the origin theory"as the theoretical cornerstone and uses holistic worldview as the theoretical framework.It focuses on combing the three aspects of animal's perception,equality of animals' lives and animal protection,which are related to the ecological ethics of animals.As the foundation of the Buddhism's doctrine,the origin theory explains that everything in the universe is a process of birth and death by the karma,that is,all things and phenomena in the world are mutually related and conditional.The idea of "Connection between Environment and Mind "summarized from the origin theory explains the relationship between man and nature,that is,the subject of life and the living environment is a relationship of mutual dependence and mutual determination.This relationship requires human beings to have moral obligations to nature.As members of nature,animals are the objects of moral concern.At the samvrti-satya level,the Buddhist doctrine explains that animals have the ability to perceive bitterness and happiness so that animals are being regarded as moral beings.However,animals are ignorant,that is,the intelligence of naimals is not high and therefore cannot be moralized,so that animals are not considered moral subjects.On the level of paramartha-satya,the concept of life in Buddhist ethics is"The Buddhata of all beings",that is,the Buddhata is the"inherent stipulation"of all life existence,demonstrating that animals have the intrinsic value as the purpose of itself.Animal.s perception and the equality of animals' lives both provide a theoretical basis for animal protection.On the practical level,it is of great significance for promoting the practice of modern animal protection,such as the practice of ahimsa,vegetarian diet,and free captive animals in the spirit of"Infinitely Merciful".
作者 金婷 刘中亮 Jin Ting;Liu Zhongliang;
出处 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2018年第2期42-48,共7页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 佛教 动物生态伦理 整体论自然观 “依正不二” 动物感知观 动物生命平等观 动物保护观 Buddhism animal ethics holistic view of nature "Connection between Environment and Mind" view ofanimal's perception view of animals' lives equality view of animal protection
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