

America's Policy toward Malaysia during Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation
摘要 印尼马对抗时期是美国对马来西亚政策的重要演变期。美国对马政策经历了肯尼迪政府道义上支持马来西亚实际上援助印度尼西亚的"双轨政策"、约翰逊政府时期的"调节干预和直接卷入",最后的"扶马抑印尼、确立美马友好关系"三个阶段。印尼马对抗结束时,美国已成为马来西亚最主要的西方盟友。美国对马政策的演变是美国冷战遏制战略的体现,确保了美国在东南亚的核心利益。 The Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation saw the major 3-stage change in America's policy to Malaysia. During the Kennedy administration,America adopted "double track"policy toward Malaysia,morally supporting Malaysia,practically aiding Indonesia. When it came to the Johnson administration,America started to intervene and directly involve in the confrontation. Later the American government began to openly support Malaysia and became Malaysia's major western ally. The evolution of the US policy toward Malaysia was the embodiment of the cold war containment strategy in ensuring its interests in Southeast Asia.
作者 罗永忠 曹海霞 LUO Yong-zhong;Cao Hai-xia(School of Chemical Engineering,Shijiazhuang Unliversity,Shijiazhuang 050035,Chin;Department of C.P.C History Research,Party School of Hebei Provincial Committee of C.P.C,Shijiazhuang 050061,China)
出处 《洛阳师范学院学报》 2018年第6期41-47,共7页 Journal of Luoyang Normal University
关键词 印尼马对抗 苏加诺 遏制战略 马来西亚 Indonesia- Malaysia Confrontation Sukamo containment strategy Malaysia
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  • 1Department of State, "Reasons for a U. S. visit by Indonesian General Nasution" ( Nov 9,1963 ), DDRS, pp. 1 - 4.
  • 2John Subritzky, Confronting Sukarno :British ,American ,Australian and New Zealand Diplomacy in the Malaysian -In- donesian Confrontation, 1961 - 5, London : Macmillan Press Ltd. , 2000.
  • 3Matthew Jones, Conflict and Confrontation in South East A- sia, 1961 - 1965 :British, the United States and the Creation of Malaysia, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
  • 4Department of State,"Roger Hilsman gives Secretary Rusk his opinion on a Presidential trip to the Far East in 1964"( Oct 31,1963) ,Declassified Documents Reference System,pp.1 -3.
  • 5Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung, Twenty Years :Indonesian Foreign Policy (1945 -1965 ) , Paris: Mouton & CO. , 1973 ,p. 391.
  • 6Central Intelligence Agency, "The Malaysian - Indonesian Conflict" ( Oct 3,1963 ), DDRS, p. 2.
  • 7Central Intelligence Agency, "Indonesia' s international Orientation" ( Apr 10,1963 ) , DDRS, pp. 1 - 13.
  • 8Central Intelligence Agency," Marshal Malinovskiy' s Statements to Indonesian Leaders on Malaysia and on United States Tactics in Indonesia" ( Mar 29,1963 ), DDRS, pp. 1 - 2.
  • 9Department of State, "Summary of U. S. ,Australian, British,and New Zealander 10/16/63 discussions on Indonesia and Ma- laysia" ( 1963 ), DDRS, pp. 6 - 14.
  • 10Department of State, "Summary of a meeting between U. S. and Australian officials regarding the effects of the Indonesian - Malaysian conflict to Australia' s security" ( Oct 14,1963 ) , DDRS ,p. 2.









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