
填充不同材料条件下管材三维自由弯曲变形行为研究 被引量:4

Deformation Behaviors of Copper Tubes Filled with Different Materials in Three Dimensional Free Bending
摘要 目的研究三维自由弯曲过程中,不同填充材料对管材成形性能的影响,比较不同填充材料的影响效果。方法建立相关力学模型,分析比较固体填充物以及柔性填充物对成形质量不同的影响机理,并基于ABAQUS有限元仿真软件,对成形过程进行数值模拟分析。结果与填充PU棒时成形结果相比,当填充SS304钢珠时,管材具有更好的成形性以及更小的厚度变化率,同时,当内部填充材料时,管材椭圆率均会降低,且当填充材料为SS304钢珠时,椭圆度最低可达2.6%。结论将三维自由弯曲技术与填充成形技术相结合,可以有效提高管材成形性能,并且固体填充物要好于柔性填充物,有限元模拟及实验验证了模型的正确性。 This paper aims to study deformation behaviors of different materials in three dimensional free bending, and compare effects of different filling materials. A mechanical model was established to study the effect mechanism of solid filling and flexible filling on the final forming quality. Based on the ABAQUS finite element simulation software, numerical simulation analysis was carried out for the forming process. The copper tube filled with SS304 steel balls contributed to greater formability and smaller thickness changing rate, compared with copper tubes filled with PU rubbers. Meanwhile, the ellipticity of tubes decreased when the tube was filled with materials. The experimental results show that filling with SS304 steel balls lead to the lowest ellipticity which could reach 2.6%. Combination of three dimensional free bending technology and filling forming technology could improve the forming performance of tubes effectively. Solid filler is better than soft filler. Finite element simula-tion and experiment verify the correctness of the model.
作者 程旋 魏文斌 熊昊 王成 余耀晖 万柏方 王林涛 陶杰 CHENG Xuan;WEI Wen-bin;XIONG Hao;WANG Cheng;YU Yao-hui;WAN Bo-fang;WANG Lin-tao;TAO Jie(College of Material Science and Technology,Nanjing University of Aeronautic s and Astronautic s,Nanjing 210016,China;Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Nuclear Energy Equipment Materials Engineering,Nanjing 210016,China;Jiangsu ToLand Alloy Co.,Ltd.,Danyang 212352,China)
出处 《精密成形工程》 2018年第4期22-27,共6页 Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering
基金 航空科学基金(2016ZE52047) 江苏省自然科学基金(BK20151469) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程
关键词 三维自由弯曲成形 填充弯曲 力学模型 有限元模拟 3D free bending filling bending mechanical model FEM simulation
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