Ainfing at the problems of low efficiency, poor controllability- and high energy- consumption of solar street lamps at present, a new type of solar intelligent street lamps is designed. The STM32 chip is used as the main controller and the BH1750 light sensor module is used to collect the illunfination data. The photovoltaie panel is driven by the illunfination difference motor to track the solar energy and the efficiency of power generation is improved. At the same time, the light data collected can be used to judge the weather and avoid unnecessary- starting and stopping loss of the motor. Motor selection of ultra-low speed DC deceleration motor, in order to improve the accuracy of rotation at the same time, simplify the mechanical design. Based on the traditional time control and light control, microwave induction control is added to the lighting control mode, which can further achieve the purpose of energy saving through intelligent dimming.
Technology Innovation and Application