
葡萄褪黑素昼夜节律变化及果实套袋对其影响 被引量:2

The circadian rhythms of melatonin in grapes and the influence of bagging on it
摘要 本文研究‘美乐’果实和叶片中五羟色胺(5-HT)、褪黑素(MT)和二羟基褪黑素(2-OH)含量的动态变化,并以‘摩尔多瓦’套袋果实为试材研究了套袋对这3种物质变化节律的影响。结果表明:‘美乐’果皮中5-HT、MT含量夜间高于白天,MT代谢产物2-OH的变化趋势与MT一致,但浓度水平一直高于MT;套袋遮光处理改变了‘摩尔多瓦’果皮中3种物质的变化节律,推迟MT、5-HT峰值出现时间,峰值含量高于不套袋;‘美乐’叶片中3种物质存在昼夜变化节律,5-HT、MT水平明显低于果实,且随着叶片老化5-HT、MT、2-OH含量均降低,其中MT降低最多,这说明MT受光周期诱导的影响。 The rhythms of serotonin(5-HT), melatonin(MT) and dihydroxy melatonin(2-OH) content in 'Merlot' fruits and leaves were monitored, and the effect of bagging on the circadian rhythms of these three compounds in 'Moldova' fruits were also detected. The results showed that the content of 5-HT and MT in the fruit skin of 'Merlot' was higher at night than that during the day, the change of the 2-OH was the same as the MT, but the content of 2-OH was higher than MT. The bagging treatment changed the circadian rhythm of MT, 5-HT and 2-OH in the fruit skin of 'Moldova', and delayed their peak value, the peak value of MT and 5-HT were higher than that of control, the contents of 5-HT, MT and 2-OH showed circadian rhythms in the leaves of 'Merlot', the 5-HT and MT content in leaves were lower than that in grape fruits, and the 5-HT and MT content in leaves decreased with the leaves growing old, especially the content of MT decreased the most, which suggested that the melatonin content was induced by light.
作者 仝亚军 高玉录 翟衡 杜远鹏 孙庆华 TONG Yajun,GAO Yulu,ZHAI Heng,DU Yuanpeng,SUN Qinghua(College of Horticultural Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University,Tai'an 271018,China)
出处 《中外葡萄与葡萄酒》 2018年第4期38-41,45,共5页 Sino-Overseas Grapevine & Wine
基金 山东省自然基金面上项目(ZR2018MC022) 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-29)
关键词 五羟色胺 褪黑素 二羟基褪黑素 葡萄 套袋 serotonin melatonin dihydroxy melatonin grapevine bagging
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