

The value of semi quantitative ultrasound index in the evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis
摘要 目的探讨半定量超声指标在评估类风湿关节炎(RA)关节病变中的应用价值。方法对42例RA患者及42名健康志愿者的腕关节、掌指关节、近端指间关节进行超声检测,每例检测20个关节,以滑膜厚度、关节积液、滑膜血流作为半定量分析指标评估,将两组进行对比。结果 RA组所查关节中有80.0%(672/840)的关节有不同程度滑膜增厚;70.0%(588/840)的关节有积液;肌腱炎占37.1%(312/840);滑膜血流增多占34.5%(291/840)。对照组分别为4.2%(35/840)、9.2%(77/840)、2.5%(21/840)、1.7%(14/840),两者比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论超声能够较清晰地显示RA患者受累关节滑膜增厚程度、关节积液、肌腱和腱鞘炎症状况、滑膜血流等半定量指标,在评估RA患者关节受累程度中具有较高价值。 Objective To study the value of ultrasound semi quantitative index in the evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis. Methods Forty-two cases of RA patients and 42 cases of healthy volunteers has been applied in high-frequency ultrasonography in wrist joint, metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joint. Evaluation content in-cludes synovial thickness measurement, joint effusion measurement, evaluation of tendon sheath inflammation, hyper-plasia synovium blood flow measurement. 20 joints were detected in each case. The results of 2 groups were com-pared. Results Among the RA group, 672 cases with joint synovial thickening, 588 cases with joint effusion, 312 cases with tendon tenosynovitis, and 291 cases of joint synovial vascular excessive hyperplasia had been check out,while the control group was 4.2 %(35/840),9.2%(77/840), 2.5%(21/840) and 1.7%(14/840). There were significant defferent in two groups. Conclusion High-frequency ultrasound can early review the status of patients with RA in synovial thickening tendon and tendon sheath, joint effusion, inflammation, hyperplasia synovium blood flow conditions,and it is the preferred method in early diagnosis of RA.
作者 周晓峰 陶惠江 赵淑敏 时丽萍 沈阳 Zhou Xiaofeng, Tao Huijing, Zhao Shumin, Shi Liping, Shen Yang.(Department of Ultrasonography; Changshu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jiangsu 215500, China)
出处 《实用医学影像杂志》 2018年第3期213-215,共3页 Journal of Practical Medical Imaging
关键词 关节炎 类风湿 超声检查 滑膜 关节积水 Arthritis rheumatoid Uhrasonography Synovial menlbrane Hydrarthrosis
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