

Study on the prominence of author's identity in learners' academic English
摘要 学术语篇中作者身份有助于实现语篇交际功能,而凸显作者身份的重要语言资源之一就是引述句的恰当使用。本文通过与国际期刊论文语料对比,聚焦引述句主语,探究学习者在学术英语写作中作者身份凸显度特征。结果表明,学习者总体上显著多用引述句句,学术写作意识有待增强;学习者倾向借助他人研究来增强语篇可信度,身份凸显意识薄弱;部分学习者具有身份凸显意识,但在写作策略上有意弱化自己的责任。 The author identity in academic discourse helps to realize the function of discourse communication. One of the important language resources that highlights the identity of the author is the proper use of quoted sentences. This paper contrasts the linguistic materials of international journal articles and focuses on quoting the subject of the sentence to explore the characteristics of the author's identities in academic English writing. The results show that the learners generally use quotes extensively, and the academic writing awareness needs to be enhanced. Learners tend to rely on other people's research to enhance the credibility of the text, and the identity highlights the weak awareness. Some learners have the awareness of identity, but in writing strategies. It is intended to weaken its responsibility.
作者 王莉 Wang Li(Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China)
机构地区 河南师范大学
出处 《现代盐化工》 2018年第3期132-133,140,共3页 Modern Salt and Chemical Industry
基金 国家社科基金项目 2015年度河南省科技创新人才支持项目"基于语料库的学术英语元话语特征对比研究"(14BYY150) 2017年研究生创新项目"学习者学术写作中的作者身份构建研究"(YW201701)
关键词 作者身份 引述句主语 学术写作 authorship quoting sentence subject academic writing
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