
学归孔孟 志开太平——张载的人生境遇与生命志趣 被引量:1

Learning from Confucius and Mencius to Achieve Peace throughout the World—— On Zhang Zai's Life Circumstances and Ambitions
摘要 张载一生经历了三次重要的人生境遇的转变,即21岁时受读《中庸》于范仲淹,37岁时与二程论易及道学之要于京师,51岁时归居横渠镇。以这三个转折划分张载的人生历程,呈现为有志于兵、学术探索、学术演进、学术成熟四个阶段。这四个阶段虽然在具体的人生实践与治学形态上有所差异,但都指向张载"开太平"这一终极的生命志趣。张载的学术宗旨是通过"造道"来继承儒家绝学,在现实中表现为对三代之治的倡导与实践。张载人生的三次转折及其所从事的兵、政、学之事业,是对包括宋明理学家在内的儒家学者群体性生命志趣的一个缩影;其生命实践中所彰显的气象与魅力,是对自孔孟以来传统儒家学者圣贤君子人格的极好诠释。儒家学者在理论创造与现实改革上的这种担当,是我们实现中华民族伟大复兴这一历史任务所必须继承与发扬的优良传统。 Zhang Zai experienced three vital changes throughout his life: at the age of 21, he studied Doctrine of the Mean as a disciple of Fan Zhongyan; at the age of 37 in the capital, he discussed the Theories of Yi and Dao with Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi; and at the age of 51, he conducted his researches in Hengqu Town. Based on these three above-mentioned turning points, Zhang Zai s life stage could be divided into four phases: namely, devotion to the military affair, academic exploration, academic development, and academic maturity. There were some differences in all these four phases in his specific life practice and research, but they were all oriented towards his ultimate life ambitions, i.e. achievement of world peace and tranquility. Zhang Zai s academic goals were to carry Confucian secrets forward through the promotion of moral cultivation, which was in reality embodied in the advocacy and practice of administration of three dynasties ——dynasties of Xia, Shang and Zhou. Zhang Zai s three life turning pints and his military, political and academic careers could be seen as a miniature of collective life ambitions among the circles of Confucian scholars including the Confucian philosophers in Song and Ming Dynasties. The characteristics and charm, revealed in his life practice, perfectly interpreted the personality of the traditional Confucian scholars after Confucius and Mencius. The responsibility taken by Confucian scholars in their theoretical creation and reality reform, has been an excellent tradition we must inherit and carry forward in fulfilling the historical task of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
作者 刘泉 LIU Quan(College of Literature, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, China)
出处 《唐都学刊》 2018年第4期43-48,共6页 Tangdu Journal
基金 教育部人文社科基金青年项目:"张载易学文献整理与经学思想研究"(17YJC720015) 陕西省教育厅哲学社科研究重点项目:"张载<东西铭>历代诠释与关中仁孝伦理观念研究"(17JZ063)
关键词 张载 人生境遇 生命志趣 孔孟 开太平 Zhang Zai life circumstances ambitions Confucius and Mencius achievement of peace and tranquility
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