
基于FYE计划的大学新生入学教育研究与实践 被引量:1

Research and Practice of Entrance Education for Freshmen based on FYE Plan
摘要 FY E为大学第一年教育,它并不是一个单独的项目、活动或课程,而是新生们在大学一年级中的经验总和。我国的新生入学教育普遍存在教育内容陈旧、形式单一及未能很好地体现以人为本等特点。结合FY E计划提出医学院校大一新生入学教育的新模式,探讨入学教育的新路径。 FYE is the first year education in university. It is not a single project, activity or course, but the total experience of freshmen in the first year of university. The enrollment education of freshmen in China is generally characterized by obsolete educational contents, single form, and failure to embody the people first. Combining with FYE plan, a new mode of entrance education for freshmen in medical colleges is put forward, and a new path of entrance education is discussed.
作者 张晋艳 柴琳 ZHANG Jinyan;CHAI Lin(Department of Oral Medicine,Wannan Medical College,Wuhu,Anhui 241002,China)
出处 《广西科技师范学院学报》 2018年第3期98-101,共4页 Journal of Guangxi Science & Technology Normal University
基金 安徽高校省级人文社会科学研究项目(SK2013B544) 2013年度皖南医学院中青年科研基金(人文社科类)(WKS201315) 2017年度皖南医学院中青年科研基金(人文社科类)(WKS201713)
关键词 大一新生 FY E计划 入学教育 实践 freshmen FYE plan entrance education practice
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