1Richard Buchanan, "Design as Inquiry: The Common, Future and Current Ground of Design." In Future Ground: Proceedings of the International Conference of the Design Research Society, November 2004.
2Burke Kenneth, "Introduction: The Five Key Terms of Dramatism" from A Grammar of Motives. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1969.
3Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp, and Jenny Preece, Interaction Design. Beyond Human- Computer Interaction, Third Edition, John Wiley & Son Ltd, 2011. P47.
4Graham, George, "Behaviorism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2010 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.).
5Norman, Donald. The Psychology of Everyday Things. Basic Book, 1988.
6Evaluation of Usabilith:ty on Mobile User Interface, University of Washington, Bothell. 2012.