联轴器对中是影响机械寿命的一个重要因素。介绍了联轴器对中的多种方法。通过对联轴器对中设备进行数学模型简化,并对其进行数据分析,给出了联轴器双表法在对中应用的一般公式以及相关工况的调整方法。并采用MIT App Inventor进行了软件编程,编写了Android对中应用程序,并验证了软件的计算的正确性,对提高生产效率和生产质量起到重要的参考作用。
The alignment of the coupling is an important factor affecting the mechanical life.A variety of methods in the couplings are introduced.By simplifying the model of the medium equipment and analyzing the data,the general formula of the application of the coupling double table method in the pair and the adjustment method of the related working conditions are given.The software is programmed by MIT App Inventor,and the Android application program is written.It verifies the correctness of software calculation,and plays an important role in improving production efficiency and production quality.
Chemical Engineering Design Communications