
基于双磺基-Cu–Salophen配合物的荧光分光光度法测定水中痕量铜 被引量:1

Determination of trace copper in water by fluorospectrophotometry based on complexs of bis-sulfosalophen with copper
摘要 建立了基于双磺基-Cu–Salophen配合物的荧光光度法测定水中痕量铜。将5-磺酸钠水杨醛与3,3’,4,4’-联苯四胺缩合成双磺基-Salophen席夫碱,该有机物与铜离子形成配合物,使其荧光猝灭。研究配合物生成过程的荧光光谱,采用荧光光度法测定痕量铜。结果表明,生成配合体系后荧光强度显著减弱,铜的质量浓度在1~7μg/mL范围内与荧光强度有良好的线性关系,相关系数为0.993 5,方法的检出限为1.72 ng/mL。测定结果的相对标准偏差为0.23%~3.84%(n=5),样品的加标回收率为101.7%~105.0%。该方法具有简单、快捷、灵敏度高等优点,适用于河水、自来水、矿泉水中痕量铜的快速测定。 A method for the determination of trace copper in water by fluorospectrophotometry based on complexs of bis-sulfosalophen with copper was established. A new schiff ’ s base bis-sulfosalophen had been synthesized with sodium salicylaldimine-5-sulphonate and 3,3 ’ ,4,4 ’ -biphenyltetramine. The reaction could form a complex with copper ion to cause its fliorescence quenching. The fluorescence spectra of the complex formation process were studied, and the trace copper was determined by fluorospectrophotometry. The results showed that the fluorescence intensity decreased significantly after the coordination system was formed. The mass concentration of copper had a good linear relationship with the fluorescence intensity in the range of 1–7 μg/mL, the correlation coefficient was 0.993 5, and the detection limit was 1.72 ng/mL. The relative standard deviations of the determination result were 0.23%–3.84%(n=5), and the recoveries of the samples were 101.7%–105%. The method is simple, fast and sensitive, and it is suitable for the rapid determination of trace copper in river water, tap water and mineral water.
作者 邓昌爱 史乾源 杨少华 DENG Changai, SHI Qianyuan, YANG Shaohua(School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China)
出处 《化学分析计量》 CAS 2018年第4期32-35,共4页 Chemical Analysis And Meterage
基金 湖南省教育厅科研项目(14C1004)
关键词 双磺基-Salophen 荧光分光光度法 5-磺酸钠水杨醛 3 3 4’ 4’-联苯四胺 bis-sulfosalophen fluorospectrophotometry copper sodium salicylaldimine-5-sulphonate 3,3',4,4'-biphenyltetramine
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