
共享经济中的短租房均衡价格——基于个人微观数据与混合Logit模型 被引量:6

Equilibrium Prices of Short-term Rental Houses in the Shared Economy:Based on Personal Microdata and Hybrid Logit Model
摘要 当前共享经济发展势头迅猛,随着线上短租房交易平台巨头Airbnb的强势进驻,中国短租房交易市场迎来新一轮的机遇和挑战。促进共享经济中的短租房业务可持续发展需深入量化分析租房价格的影响因素。基于消费者偏好选择视角,在问卷调查基础上,通过Pearson相关性分析,得出短租房市场价格与消费者的家庭可支配收入、年龄、对好评率的关注度、对用户评价的关注度、出行人数、家庭出行费用预算以及对房东性别关注度等因素间的相关性强弱;同时运用混合Logit模型,分析消费者偏好对短租房定价的影响程度。结果显示:(1)家庭可支配收入越高,消费者对高价的短租房接受度越高;(2)受家庭组成人员和家庭储蓄变化作用,年龄对短租房价格选择的影响呈现出规律性;(3)好评率高低对消费者选择短租房价格空间为200-800元时更具参考价值;(4)部分消费者对用户评价关注度较低;(5)选择低短租房价格的消费群将房东个人信息作为选择的重要依据。最后,从短租房的提供者、短租房交易在线平台企业、短租房市场管理部门三个角度对线上短租房交易市场的健康发展提出相关意见和建议。 With the rapid development of the sharing economy,China’ s short-term rent trading market is facing a new round of opportunities and challenges with the powerful arrival of Airbnb,the online short-term rent trading platform. Promoting the sustainable development of short rental business in the sharing economy requires in-depth and quantitative analysis of the influencing factors of rental prices. Though the questionnaire survey,based on the perspective of consumer preference selection and Pearson correlation analysis,we obtained the market prices of short rental housing and household disposable income,age,attention to favorable ratings,and attention to user evaluation. The correlation between the number of travelers,budget for family travel expenses,and gender concerns of the landlord,etc. is strong and weak. At the same time,the mixed Logit model is used to analyze the influence of consumer preferences on the pricing of short-term rental and predict the model. The results show that:( 1) The higher the household disposable income,the higher the consumer’ s acceptance of high-priced short-term rental housing;( 2) under the influence of changes in family members and household savings,age also shows regularity in the price choice of short-term rental houses;( 3) The level of positive feedback is more valuable to consumers when they choose the price of short-term rental housing for 200-800 yuan;( 4) some consumers pay less attention to user evaluation;( 5) consumers who choose low short-term rental prices take the personal information of the landlord as an important basis for their choices. According to the research conclusions,relevant opinions and suggestions are put for the healthy development of the online short-term rental housing market.
作者 王保乾 邓菲 WANG Bao-qian,DENG Fei
机构地区 河海大学商学院
出处 《产经评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期34-46,共13页 Industrial Economic Review
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"共享型物品与服务的价格形成机制及配置特征研究"(项目编号:17BJY142 项目负责人:王保乾)
关键词 共享经济 短租房 均衡价格 消费者偏好选择 Pearson相关矩阵 sharing economic short rent equilibrium prices consumer preferences pearson correla tion matrix
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