

Research on the core competitiveness of the 4I quantitative evaluation system of geological survey organizations
摘要 地质调查机构核心竞争力由多种要素在特定的环境下有机整合形成,是地质调查机构长期保持竞争优势的动态能力体系。目前,针对地质调查机构的评价多为对比研究,仅有少数建立了基于综合实力的量化评价模型。针对综合实力的评价主要着眼于整体实力和静态状况,而核心竞争力在突出特色优势的基础上强调整体优势的发挥,体现了地质调查机构的动态能力和特色发展。开展地质调查机构核心竞争力评价,对中国地质调查机构了解自身核心优劣势和查找差距具有重要意义。本文从地质调查机构核心竞争力的概念模型出发,综合考虑了软、硬能力,短期静态及长期动态等因素,构建了科技创新力、制度管理力、人才智慧力、资源整合力四个维度的四元评价模型(4I模型),对8个典型国家地质调查机构核心竞争力进行了综合评价,这为中国地质调查机构明确自身优劣势及所处位置,建设世界一流的新型地质调查机构提供了重要依据。 The core competitiveness of geological survey organizations is formed through the integration of various factors under the specific circumstances.It is a dynamic capability system for geological survey organizations to maintain their long-term competitive advantage.At present,most of the geological survey organizations evaluations are comparative studies,and only a few have established quantitative evaluation models based on comprehensive strength.The evaluation of comprehensive strength mainly focuses on the overall strength and static status,while the core competitiveness highlights the overall advantage in addition to specific characteristics,which reflects not only the dynamic capabilities,but also specific advantages of geological survey organizations.It is of great significance for China Geological Survey to understand its core strengths and weaknesses and find gaps in the evaluation of the core competitiveness among various geological survey organizations across the world.This paper starts from the conceptual model of the core competitiveness of geological survey organizations,and considers different aspects such as soft and hard capabilities,short-term static and long-term dynamics factors,and builds four-factor evaluation model(4 Imodel)mainly including four major factors as follows:innovation capacity,institution capacity,intelligence capacity and integration capacity.This model comprehensively evaluated the core competitiveness of 8 national geological survey organizations.It provides an important basis for China Geological Survey to identify its own advantages and disadvantages and the actual position across the world,and to build a new type of world-class geological survey organizations.
作者 杨添天 张洪涛 孔昭煜 薛建玲 何学洲 YANG Tiantian1,2 , ZHANG Hongtao2 , KONG Zhaoyu3 , XUE Jianling3 , HE Xuezhou3(1. School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences(Beijing) , Beijing 100083, China 2. China Geological Survey, Beijing 100037, China 3. Development and Research Center, China Geological Survey, Beijing 100037, China)
出处 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2018年第6期16-21,共6页 China Mining Magazine
关键词 地质调查 核心竞争力 评价模型 geological survey core competitiveness ewduation model
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