
纳米铜硅胶膜厚度对MAS-IUS控释效果影响的实验研究 被引量:2

Experiment study on the effect of thickness sheath of nano-copper-silica gel on the release of levonorgestrel in MAS-IUS
摘要 目的研究不同厚度纳米铜硅胶膜对记忆合金硅胶宫内缓释系统[Memory Alloy Silicone Intrauterine System,MAS-IUS]中左炔诺孕酮(LNG)释放量造成的影响,并探讨其释放模式。方法将直径为0.3 mm的钛镍合金丝在280℃下盘旋形成外径为3 mm的合金丝管架;将一定比例(质量比)的纳米铜硅胶混合物封闭合金丝管架外壁,制成膜厚度分别为0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0 mm的"钛镍记忆合金纳米酮硅胶管"模型。将52 mg LNG置于管腔中,以硅胶粘合剂封堵两端,制成不同纳米铜硅胶膜厚度的MAS-IUS。将不同膜厚度的MAS-IUS模型置于盛有10 m L无水乙醇的离心管中,置于在37℃恒温水浴箱中,定期用紫外分光光度计测量离心管中LNG含量。结果一定剂量的LNG在MAS-IUS模型中的释放速率随纳米铜硅胶膜的增厚而下降,各组释放量均在5 d后趋于稳定,表现为在一定范围内波动的缓释规律。结论 LNG在不同纳米铜硅胶膜厚度的MAS-IUS中,表现为先爆释、然后缓释的状态;可以通过调整纳米铜硅胶膜厚度控制MAS-IUS中LNG的释放量。 Objective Investigate the effects of different thickness of nano-copper-silica gel on the release of levonorgestrel( LNG) in Memory Alloy Silicone Intrauterine System( MAS-IUS),and further explore its release pattern. Methods The Ti-Ni alloy wire( diameter of 0. 3 mm) was spirally formed at 280 ° C as an alloy wire tube with 3 mm outer diameter. A mixture of nano-copper-silica gel with certain ratio( mass ratio) was used to close the outer wall of the alloy wire tube frame. Therefore,the different thickness sheath model with 0. 5,1. 0,1. 5 and 2. 0 mm " titanium nickel memory alloy nano silicone tube" was prepared. LNG( 52 mg) was placed in the tube and both ends of the tube were sealed with a silicone adhesive. The MAS-IUS with different thickness sheath was immerged in a centrifuge tubes containing 10 ml of absolute ethanol and then the tubes were placed in a thermostatic water bath at 37°C. The amount of LNG in the centrifuge tube was measured periodically with a UV spectrophotometer. Results LNG release rate in these MAS-IUS models was decreased with the thickness of controlling sheath. LNG release in each group tended to be stable after 5 days with the law of sustained release and fluctuating in a certain range. Conclusion LNG in MAS-IUS is manifested as the manner of first burst release and then slow release. The release of LNG in MAS-IUS could be controlled by adjusting the thickness sheath of nano-copper-silica gel.
作者 樊文艳 蒋成素 孟胤妤 孙翠 任晓艳 古衡芳 肖雁冰 Fan Wenyan;Jiang Chengsu;Meng Yinyu;Sun Cui;Ren Xiaoyan;Gu Hengfang;Xiao Yanbing(Department of Gynecology,Affiliated Hospital of Maternal and Child Health Care of Zunyi Medical University,Zunyi Guizhou 563000,China)
出处 《遵义医学院学报》 2018年第2期176-179,共4页 Journal of Zunyi Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(NO:81660293)
关键词 纳米铜 硅胶 记忆合金硅胶宫内缓释系统 左炔诺孕酮 缓释 Nano - copper silicone Memocy alloy Silicone Intrauterine System levonorgestrel release
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