
论海洋秩序演变视角下的南海海洋治理 被引量:31

Ocean Governance in the South China Sea from the Perspective of Ocean Order Evolution
摘要 全球海洋治理的理论与实践是海洋秩序从权力竞争的无序状态发展为以规则和机制为中心阶段后的产物。与此同时,作为海洋秩序的重要内容,海洋治理体系的架构也反映了秩序的权力与规则的安排结构。当前,国际和南海地区海洋秩序深度调整,海洋治理也随之进入新的发展阶段。中国与东盟国家应抓住当前南海海洋秩序调整的机遇,通过完善规则与规范、建立区域海洋治理合作机制网络,建立起基于规则的南海海洋治理体系。在这一过程中,中国应与东盟国家一道牢牢抓住主导权,并扮演与自身国力和地区影响力相匹配的角色。 The theories and practices of global ocean governance are the product of the ocean order which evolves from disordered power competition to the one that is centered on rules and mechanisms. In addition,as an important part of the ocean order,the framework of the ocean governance system also reflects the structure of powers and rules. The ocean order in the world as well as in the South China Sea is currently being reshaped,and ocean governance has accordingly entered into a new phase. Improving relevant rules and regulations,China and the ASEAN states should seize the opportunity of the current ocean order evolution in the South China Sea,so as to establish a regional network of ocean governance cooperation mechanism and a rule-based governance system in the South China Sea. In this process,China and the ASEAN states should make continued and greater efforts to maintain the initiative and play the roles that match with their national strength and regional influence.
作者 吴士存 陈相秒 WU Shicun1, CHEN Xiangmiao2.(1.National Institute for South China Sea Studies, Haikou 571100, China; 2. Nanjing University, Nanjing210023, Chin)
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期25-36,共12页 Pacific Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"21世纪海上丝绸之路建设与南海战略研究"(14ZDA078)阶段性研究成果之一
关键词 海洋秩序 海洋治理 南海地区 中国—东盟 ocean order ocean governance the South China Sea China-ASEAN
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