随着Wi Fi等通信技术的迅猛发展,WLAN凭借自己的高带宽、低成本、可漫游的技术优势,能有效分担用户密集地点的3 G/4 G带宽压力,带给客户更佳的体验,同时又可灵活地延伸固定宽带网络,促进固网和移动业务的有机融合。主要介绍凭借有线电视网络基础设施,采用Wi Fi技术构建全市范围公共区域无线网络的方案,从基础网络架构的搭建和认证管理平台两个方面介绍了系统主要功能和系统实施概况。
With the rapid development of communication technology such as WIFI,WLAN can effectively share the 3 G/4 G bandwidth pressure of user-intensive locations,and provide better experience for customers with its own technical advantages of high bandwidth,low cost and roaming,It can also flexibly extend the fixed broadband network to promote the organic integration of fixed network and mobile services. This article mainly introduces the scheme of building the citywide public area wireless network with WIFI technology and the current cable TV network facilities. It describes the main functions and the implementation situation of the scheme from the two aspects of the construction of the basic network architecture and the authentication management platform.
YU Shaojun(Jisngsu Broadcasting Cable Information Network Co.,Ltd,Zhenjiang 212004,China)
China Digital Cable TV