The desire for increased performance from guns is driving the charge designer towards charges that present challenges to numerical modelling.There is a pressing need for accurate,validated ignition and combustion models that can be used to predict the performance of advanced charges and ensure pressure waves are not developed or,if they are,then they can be managed.This paper describes efforts to model complex charge designs using a two-dimensional axi-symmetric multi-phase flow internal ballistics model.
The desire for increased performance from guns is driving the charge designer towards charges that pres ent challenges to numerical modelling. There is a pressing need for accurate, validated ignition and combustion rood els that can be used to predict the performance of advanced charges and ensure pressure waves are not developed or if they are, then they can be managed. This paper describes efforts to model complex charge designs using a two di mensional axi symmetric multi phase flow internal ballistics model.
Clive Wooclley
Clive Woodley(QinetiQ, Fort Halstead, Sevenoaks, Kent TN14 7BP, United Kingdo)
Chinese Journal of Explosives & Propellants