
一种基于区块链技术的可信电子投票方法 被引量:3

A Trusted Electronic Voting Method Based on Block Chain Technology
摘要 电子投票应用范围极广,其安全性、可信性和公平性具有重要的研究与应用价值。在传统的基于可验证秘密共享(VSS)等技术基础上,提出一种可信电子投票方法,将安全多方计算协议应用于投票和计票。该投票系统具备可验证性与无收据性,在存在不诚实投票者和计票机构的前提下,保障投票安全、可信完成。同时,在现有电子投票系统中,广泛依赖可信第三方完成注册认证阶段,注册中心若不诚实将导致投票失败。通过将区块链技术与电子投票技术相结合,利用MIT的Enigma区块链项目相关技术,取消了认证注册中心,剥离了电子投票对可信第三方的依赖,并对投票者和候选者的隐私起到保护作用。 Electronic voting has a wide range of application,and its safety,credibility and fairness are attatched with great research and practical significance.Based on the traditional technologies including verifiable secret sharing(VSS),this paper proposes a credible electronic voting method,which applies the security multi-party computing protocol to voting and counting.The voting system is verifiable and of non-receipt premised on the presence of dishonest voters and counting agencies to ensure the smooth completion of credible voting.Meanwhile the existing electronic voting system has extensive reliance on trusted third parties to complete registration certification,and any cheating from the registration center will lead to the failure of voting.In this paper,the combination of block-chain technology and electronic voting technology,together with MIT Enigma block chain project-related technology are employed to cancel the certification canter and strip electronic voting off the trusted third parties.Therefore the privacy of voters and candidates is protected.
作者 范洪博 谢华材 张晶 FAN Hong-bo;XIE Hua-cai;ZHANG Jing(Department of Information Engineering and Automation,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650500,China)
出处 《软件导刊》 2018年第5期34-39,共6页 Software Guide
关键词 电子投票 VSS协议 区块链 可验证 无收据性 electronic voting VSS protocol block chain verifiability receipt-freeness
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