目的分析氟化泡沫在石家庄地区用于防治学龄前儿童龋齿的疗效。方法 1 276例受试者按照纳入标准随机分成试验组和对照组,每组638例。统计患龋率、龋失补牙数、龋失补牙面数以及Cariostat试验等指标分析受试者患有龋齿的情况和受试者口腔内的细菌产生酸性物质情况。试验组应用氟化泡沫对学前儿童进行干预后,分析龋活跃性及防龋效果。结果石家庄地区1 276位受试儿童的Cariostat值集中在1~1.5,患龋率随着Cariostat值的增长而升高,龋失补牙数也与Cariostat值呈正相关关系(P<0.01);干预处理后2组Cariostat值都有一定程度的下降趋势,试验组治疗前后组内Cariostat值比较,治疗后Cariostat值下降明显,相比较治疗前下降显著,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论龋齿在石家庄地区的学龄前儿童中患病率很高,龋蚀程度相对较重,发病危险率大的儿童比重很大;使用氟化泡沫对龋齿的防治起到重要作用,值得临床推广应用。
Objective To investigate the preventive and therapeutic effects of fluorinated foam on dental caries in preschool children in Shijiazhuang area. Methods A total of 1276 subjects were randomly divided into experimental group( n = 638) and control group( n = 638) according to the internalized criteria. The incidence rate of dental caries,decay missing filling teeth,decayed missing filling surfaces and Cariostat test were observed to analyze and compare the presence of dental caries and the amount of acidic substance produced by bacteria in oral cavity of subjects. Moreover after the preschool children in exprerimental group were intervened with fluorinated foam,the activity of caries and effects of caries prevention were observed and compared between two groups. Results The Cariostat value of 1276 subjects in Shijiazhuang area was mainly between 1 ~ 1. 5. The caries prevalence rate was increased with the increase of Cariostat value. There was a positive correlation between decay missing filling teeth number and Cariostat values( P 〈0. 01). After intervention,the Cariostat value had decrease trend in both groups at some certain extent. Moreover the Cariostat value was significantly decreased in experimental group,as compared with that before intervention( P 〈0. 05). Conclusion The incidence rate of dental caries in preschool children in Shijiazhuang area is quite high,and the decadere degree is relatively severe,moreover the proportion of children with high risk is very high. The fluorinated foam plays an important role in prevention and treatment of dental caries and is worthy of clinical application.
TIAN Man(Shijiazhuang Hospital for Maternal and Child Health,Hebei,Shijiazhuang 050051,China)
Hebei Medical Journal
fluorinated foam
dental eariesin children
epidemic diseases