设计了一种超宽带平板环形天线,中心频率为755MHz,工作频率范围为560MHz^855MHz,并利用电磁仿真软件Ansoft HFSS对其进行建模仿真。仿真结果表明,平板环形天线工作频率范围内,天线的驻波比小于2;在中心频率755MHz时,天线的回波损耗达到-40d B,相对带宽为39%。该天线在很宽的工作频带内具有良好的阻抗特性和辐射特性,完全满足探地雷达对天线系统的要求。
An ultra wideband plate ring antenna with a center frequency of 755 MHz and a frequency range of560 MHz^855 MHz is designed, which is studied by modeling and Simulation using Ansoft HFSS. The results of Simulation demonstrates that the antenna's voltage standing wave ratio is less than 2 in the range of working frequency of the plate ring antenna. The echo loss of the antenna reaches-40 d B and the relative bandwidth is 39% when the center frequency is 755 MHz. The antenna has good impedance and radiation characteristics in a wide frequency band. It fully satisfies the antenna system of the ground penetrating radar.
LIU Yan-ni(Changjiang Institute of Technology , Wuhan 430212 , China)
Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic