

On Shylock's Cultural Enclave in The Merchant of Venice
摘要 莎士比亚的《威尼斯商人》在展示出威尼斯城邦基督教主导文化的过程中突显出以夏洛克为代表的犹太文化飞地,夏洛克是这个文化飞地的流散主体,其行政归属关系和身份归属关系契合了文化飞地的定义特征。借助于文化飞地,夏洛克以经济活动外向地与威尼斯城邦基督教主流文化交流构建起自己的流散身份,以对基督教文化的对抗活动捍卫自己犹太精神家园,以对女儿的控制来突显自己的犹太身份主体。夏洛克的封闭式住宅是这个文化飞地的空间表征,是早期现代英格兰商品化冲击下的静态社会关系的象征或隐喻,又是文化身份动态构建和产生新的社会关系和文化习俗的场所。文化飞地的精心刻画是莎士比亚对早期现代个人实用利益最大化、商品化和高利贷三大特征的伦理关切和现实隐喻。 The Jewish cultural enclave represented by Shylock who is a main diaspora subject is delineated simultaneously in the description of the dominant Christian culture in Venice in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. Shylock's closed house is the spatial representation of the cultural enclave,because that Shylock is perfectly cater to the distinguish features of a cultural enclave in administrative affiliation and identification. Based upon the Jewish cultural enclave,Shylock established his own diaspora identification in the communication with the dominant Christian culture through economic activities,protects his Jewish spiritual homeland,and lays emphasis on his subjectivity of Jewish identification through his control over his daughter. Shylock's closed house is the spatial representation of the cultural enclave which is not only the symbol or metaphor of the static social relationships in the early modern England influenced by commercialization,but also the location where the cultural identity is established dynamical and new social relationship and cultural convention are produced. The delineation of cultural enclave in The Merchant of Venice is the metaphor of the maximization of subject's practice interests,commercialization and usury in early modern England,upon which Shakespeare expressed his ethic concerning.
作者 华有杰 HUA You-jie(School of Foreign Languages, Hezhou University, Hezhou Guangxi 542899; School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Shandong University, Jinan Shandong 25010)
出处 《贺州学院学报》 2018年第2期94-99,共6页 Journal of Hezhou University
基金 国家社科基金项目(13BWW043)
关键词 《威尼斯商人》 文化飞地 莎士比亚 流散主体 经济利益冲突 The Me rchant of Venice cultural enclave Shakespeare Diaspora subject conflict of economic interests
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