

The Founding of the German Confederation
摘要 18世纪末,普鲁士和奥地利两强并立,促进了排除普奥两强在外第三德意志的整合。在拿破仑称霸中欧的时代,第三德意志崛起成为一支不可忽视的力量。尽管第一次《巴黎和约》就已经规定将以“联盟纽带”统一德意志,但在维也纳会议上,如何落实这一规定,还是成为了争论的焦点。1814年10月,普鲁士、奥地利和汉诺威共同提出的《十二条》方案遭遇挫败,一方面由于它无法同时满足巴伐利亚、符腾堡和其他中小国家的诉求,另一方面,随着波兰一萨克森领土争议的激化,奥地利放弃了对该方案的支持。1815年5月,奥地利外相梅特涅采取了新策略,将联盟组织中争议问题留待之后开幕的联盟议会解决,以寻求各方共识。在他的努力下,德意志联盟终于在维也纳会议上得以创建。 At the end of the 18th century, the dualism of Prussia and Austria promoted the integration of Third Germany(Germany without Prussia and Austria). In the era of Napoleon’s hegemony in Central Europe, the Third Germany rose and became a force that could not be ignored. Although the first"Paris Peace Treaty"had regulated the unification of Germany in "a confederative bond", at the Congress of Vienna, the debate centered around how to implement this provision. In October 1814, the"Twelve Articles"Program which Prussia, Austria and Hannover jointly proposed did not come true. On the one hand, it failed to simultaneously meet the demands of Bavarian, Württemberg and the other middle or small states. On the other hand, with the escalation of the territorial dispute over Poland and Saxon, Austria gave up its support to the Program. In May 1815, the Austrian Foreign Minister Metternich adopted a new strategy. In order to seek the consensus of all parties, he suggested to leave the controversial issues related to the organization of the confederation to be resolved at the Bundestag that would be convened later. Thanks to his efforts, the German Confederation was finally created at the Congress of Vienna.
作者 王志华
出处 《历史教学问题》 CSSCI 2018年第4期75-84,共10页 History Research And Teaching
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