

Xinjiang Cotton Environmental Protection Projects Under the Framework of WTO: Analysis and Discussion
摘要 依据WTO规则和新疆独特的自然生态条件,明确提出新疆棉花环境保护计划内容。通过在国内外多地实地考察调研,并与相关人员交流,同时查询相关文献资料(含统计数据、网上信息和政府文件等),了解WTO棉花补贴规则和新疆水资源、风沙、土壤盐碱化以及病虫草害等特点。结果表明,新疆棉花环境保护计划包括新疆生态水供给、土地荒漠化治理、土壤改良和病虫草害生态防治4项内容,并阐述各项目设立理由与具体方案。为避免黄箱政策补贴引发的国际贸易纠纷,笔者认为在新疆开展棉花环境保护计划行动十分必要,但由于WTO对环境保护补贴有明确的前置条件,再加上中国棉花环境保护补贴存在总量控制的现实问题,因而在落实环境保护计划方案时,应把环境保护计划与WTO的其他补贴规则作为一个整体统筹考虑。 According to the WTO rules and the unique natural ecological conditions in Xinjiang, the environmental protection program is put forward clearly. The authors carried out on-the-spot investigation and research in different places at home and abroad and communicated with related personnel, collected relevant data (including statistics, online information, government documents and etc.), to get information about the rules of WTO cotton subsidies, the characteristics of water resources, sand and soil salinization and disease and insect pests in Xinjiang. The results showed that: there were 4 kinds of the environmental protection projects including the ecological water supply project, the land desertification control project, the soil improvement project, the project of the ecological control of diseases, pests and weeds, and each project had its own reason and practical solution. In order to avoid international trade disputes caused by the subsidy policy of yellow box, it was necessary to carry out cotton environmental protection program in Xinjiang, in addition, because of the preconditions for the total quantity control of WTO subsidies on environmental protection, and the total amount control in China' s cotton environmental protection subsidy, the implementation of the cotton environmental protection program and other subsidies policies of WTO should be considered as a whole.
作者 田立文 翁琴 田聪华 宁新民 刘志清 欧洲 王会平 Tian LiwenI;Weng Qin;Tian Conghua;Ning Xinmin;Liu Zhiqing~;Ou Zhou;Wang Huiping(~Cash Crop Institute,Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Urumqi 830091;1nstitute of Economic and Technological Information,Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Urumqi 830091;Fiber Inspection Institute of Aksu,Awati Xinjiang 843200)
出处 《中国农学通报》 2018年第19期18-25,共8页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 农业部国家棉花产业技术体系(CARS-18-07) 新疆维吾尔自治区科技成果转化专项资金项目"优良棉花新品种及配套高产技术集成示范"(201354103)
关键词 新疆棉花 环境保护计划 生态水供给项目 土地荒漠化治理项目 土壤改良项目 病虫草害生态防治项目 Xinjiang cotton the environmental protection project the ecological water supply project the land desertifieation control project the soil improvement project the project of the ecological control of diseases pests and weeds
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