荷兰70F设计事务所设计出"有生命的"游客中心。Hof van Duivenvoorde(Duivenvoordes庭院)正面有9个可移动板块,日出打开,日落关闭。打开的时候,这就是一家宽敞明亮的餐厅,而关闭之后,整个建筑就形成谷仓状,与周围建筑融为一体,谦逊低调。Hof van Duivenvoorde游客中心隶属于Voorschoten市国家纪念地Duivenvoorde城堡庄园。Duivenvoorde基金会由政府人员管理,负责人委托70F建造一座外观上像谷仓的建筑.
Dutch architecture studio 70F architecture designed a visitors center that 'lives'.
Hof van Duivenvoorde (Duivenvoordes Courtyard) has nine movable facade parts that open up the building in the morning and close it at night. When the fa(;ade is open the building is a light restaurant, when it's closed it becomes a modest barn that disappears in its surroundings.
World Architecture Review