
伪狂犬病病毒GD1406变异株的抗原性分析 被引量:3

Antigenic analysis of pseudorabies virus variant strain GD1406
摘要 为了解近年来广东省伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)变异情况,本研究从猪场收集Bartha-K61活疫苗免疫后的猪血清559份,经ELISA筛选出326份gB抗体阳性且gE抗体阴性的猪血清,进行中和试验,分析血清中的疫苗抗体对Bartha-K61株和临床分离到的PRV GD1406野毒株的中和能力。进一步应用小鼠进行交叉免疫保护性试验。结果显示,187份gB阳性且gE阴性的猪血清样品对Bartha-K61株和PRV GD1406野毒株的平均中和抗体滴度分别为1:57和1:13,并且免疫Bartha-K61株使小鼠免受PRV GD1406野毒株致死性攻击的保护率仅为20%,而免疫PRV GD1406野毒株使小鼠免受Bartha-K61株致死性攻击的保护率为100%,免疫灭活PRV GD1406野毒株使小鼠免受PRV GD1406野毒株致死性攻击的保护率为40%。根据试验结果推测,PRV GD1406野毒株与Batha-K61株之间存在抗原差异性,现用疫苗不能有效抵抗PRV变异株攻击。本研究结果将为PRV的防控提供实验依据,为研制PRV新疫苗提供新的思路。 To investigate the variation of pseudorabies virus (PRV) in Guangdong from 2011, a total of 559 vaccinated serum smples were collected from several pig farms to screen out the 326 gB-positive and gE-negative sera by ELISA. Neutralizing titers against Bartha-K61 and the PRV GD1406 strain were determined using cross-immunoprotection test in mice. The neutralization test results showed that average neutralizing titers of these 187 samples against Bartha-K61 and PRV GD1406 were 1∶57 and 1∶13, respectively. Bartha-K61 immunization was less effective against PRV GD1406 challenge, the survival rate of mice was 1/5. In contrast, PRV GD1406 immunization was effective against Bartha-K61 challenge, and provided completely protection for the mice. Inactivated PRV GD1406 immunization was less effective against PRV GD1406 challenge, and the survival rate of mice was 2/5. In conclusion, it is speculat that the PRV GD1406 has antigenic alterations compared with Bartha-K61 strain and conventional vaccines are less effective against new emergent PRVs challenge. The present study provides basis for the prevention and control of PRV and new ideas for the vaccine development.
作者 侯文凤 林辉 王凤求 赵玉林 伍建敏 王衡 李中圣 远立国 HOU Wen-feng;LIN Hui;WANG Feng-qiu;ZHAO Yu-lin;WU Jian-min;WANG Heng;LI Zhong-sheng;YUAN Li-guo(College of Veterinary,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China;Guangdong Institute of Animal Husbandry and Fishery,Guangzhou 510603,China)
出处 《中国预防兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期621-625,共5页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine
基金 广东省省级科技计划项目(2015B020203006)
关键词 伪狂犬病病毒变异株 ELISA 中和试验 pseudorabies virus variant ELISA neutralization test
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