
“小媒介”中的现代镜像:建国初期连环画的发展传播实践 被引量:2

The Modern Image in “Little Media”:The Development Communication of Picture-Story Books in the Early People's Republic of China
摘要 本文借助施拉姆在其发展传播研究中提出的"小媒介"(Little Media)概念,描述、分析并探讨了连环画媒介在建国初期深度参与民族国家发展传播实践的历史貌相。作为"小媒介"的连环画,具有以图叙事、融合媒介以及便携、廉价、普及的媒介属性与特征,这一综合媒介潜能使其在建国初期的政治文化宣传、扫盲识字运动和生产技能普及等国家发展实践中,发挥出了巨大的传播价值。就其媒介偏向而言,建国初期连环画的发展传播实践呈现出发展重于政治、说明与叙事结合以及辅助人际传播的特征。 With the concept"Little Media"proposed by Schramm,this paper examines and analyzes the history of the picture-story book's deep involvement in the development communication in the early People's Republic of China.As a"little media",the picture-story book media has its own unique characteristics such as the narrative,fusion media and portable,cheap,universal,these made a great contribution to the promotion of political propaganda,literacy campaign and popularization of production skills.As far as its media bias is concerned,the picture-story book media showed the characteristics of development more emphasized than politics,combination of instruction and narration and assisting in interpersonal communication.
作者 张勇锋 Zhang Yongfeng
出处 《新闻春秋》 2018年第3期35-43,共9页 Journalism Evolution
关键词 发展传播 连环画 小媒介 建国初期 development communication picture-story book Little Media the early People's Republic of China
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