
普通烟草DHQ-SDH基因家族分析 被引量:1

Analysis of DHQ-SDH gene family in Nicotiana tabacum
摘要 为明确DHQ-SDH基因在普通烟草中的功能,用拟南芥DHQ-SDH基因检索烟草基因组数据库,获得普通烟草DHQ-SDHs基因。利用生物信息学分析了Nt DHQ-SDHs的基因结构、蛋白质特征、启动子顺式作用元件和基因进化,用q PCR检测了Nt DHQ-SDHs的组织特异性表达。结果表明:普通烟草中有8个DHQ-SDHs基因。Nt DHQ-SDHs的编码序列在1 248~1 608 bp之间,编码415~535个氨基酸,蛋白质分子量为45.13~58.22 k D,均为稳定蛋白。Nt DHQ-SDHs的外显子和内含子数量相对保守,均含有8~10个外显子和7~9个内含子。基序组成和进化分析发现,8个Nt DHQ-SDHs被分为2个亚家族,分别来源于普通烟草的两个祖先种(林烟草和绒毛状烟草)。Nt DHQ-SDHs在普通烟草根、茎、叶和顶芽中都有表达。 To clarify the functions of 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase and shikimate dehydrogenase (DHQ-SDH) genes in Nicotiana tabacum, AtDHQ-SDHs sequences were used to blast in China Tobacco Genome Database and NtDHQ-SDHs were obtained. Gene structure, protein characteristics, cis-regulatory elements and phylogenetic relationships were analyzed by bioinformatics software. Relative expression levels of NtDHQ-SDHs in different tissues of cv. Honghuadajinyuan were detected by qPCR. The results showed that eight NtDHQ-SDHs were identified. The coding region sequences of eight NtDHQ-SDHs were 1248-1608 bp in lengths and encoded 415-535 amino acids. The molecular weights of eight NtDHQ-SDHs were 45.13-58.22 kD and the predicted NtDHQ-SDHs were stable proteins. The number of exons and introns in NtDHQ-SDHs were relatively conserved, including 8-10 exons and 7-9 introns. Motif composition and phylogenetic analysis indicated that eight NtDHQ-SDHs were divided into two subfamilies, deriving from N. sylvestris and N. tomentosiformis, respectively. NtDHQ-SDHs were expressed in roots, stems, leaves and terminal buds.
作者 张林 王中 李正风 韦凤杰 贾云祯 张其东 汪洪焦 魏攀 谢小东 金立锋 李锋 祁超亚 张小全 王燃 ZHANG Lin;WANG Zhong;LI Zhengfeng;WEI Fengjie;JIA Yunzhen;ZHANG Qidong;WANG Hongjiao;WEI Pan;XIE Xiaodong;JIN Lifeng;LI Feng;QI Chaoya;ZHANG Xiaoquan;WANG Ran(College of Tobacco Sciences,Henan Agricultural University,Zhengzhou 450002,China;Zhengzhou Tobacco Research Institute of CNTC,Zhengzhou 450001,China;China Tobacco Yunnan Industrial Co.,Ltd.,Kunming 650231,China;Henan Provincial Tobacco Company,Zhengzhou 450046,China)
出处 《烟草科技》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期1-8,共8页 Tobacco Science & Technology
基金 河南省科技攻关项目"基于原生质体再生技术的CRISPR/Cas9技术体系构建"(172102110153)
关键词 普通烟草 DHQ-SDH基因 基因家族 进化分析 基因表达 Nicotiana tabacum DHQ-SDH gene Gene family Phylogenetic analysis Gene expression
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