

Causes,Consequences and a Witness of 1976 Massive Bloodshed in Thailand
摘要 国家稳定和社会发展是大多数发展中国家的双重难题,泰国也不例外。泰国社会的基本问题主要包括思想领域的冲突、各种政治势力的斗争、根深蒂固和无处不在的腐败等等。在泰国政治中,战后初期(1945—1958年)是一个关键的转变阶段,从先前的威权宪政体制(1932—1947年)转变成此后的军事专制体制(1958—1973年)。20世纪50年代,学生在泰国国家政治中开始发挥重要作用,继而在60年代后期和70年代初期成为一股强大的力量。与此同时,国民议会内所有政党之间的相互争斗被视为泰国政体的一个显著弊端,它很快便成为泰国政府被贴上"不稳定"标签的最明显原因。1932年往后,泰国有10余次政变和政变图谋,而1976年10月6日,军事政变是右翼势力合乎逻辑的一次最激烈反应,而此次政变针对的是三年前学生领导的、作为宪政高潮的"十月革命"。1976年的军事政变虽然结束了此前三年混乱的开放式政治实验,但其暴烈程度实属空前,政治意义异常重大。概而言之,20世纪60和70年代的学生、政党和以军人集团为首的右翼势力都以它们各自不同的行为,肇始了当代泰国政治不幸的动荡传统。笔者在系统分析的基础上,通过详细访谈,展现当年一位参加过学生运动以及后来的反抗活动的人士的心路历程,了解他对泰国政治和泰国社会的一些看法,借以印证、补充或加强对泰国政治和泰国社会的分析和看法。 National stability and social development are in fact the twin problems in most developing countries,and Thailand has no exception. Basic problems may be summed up as those arising from the conflict of ideas,communist insurgents,the deep-rooted and nation-wide spread of corruption,labor relations,and the issue of national sovereignty. The postwar period(1947-1958) was a crucial transition phase in Thai politics,from the au-thoritarian constitutionalism(1932-1947) to military absolutism under Field Marshals Sarit Thanarat(1958-1963) and Thanom Kitiikhachorn(1963-1973). Eventually,students played a vital role in Thailand's national politics in the 1950 s and became a formidable force between the late 1960 s and 1970 s. The continual infighting among all political parties represented in the National Assembly is considered an obvious deficiency in the Thai polity. It quickly became the most apparent reason for the widespread opinion labeling the government of Thailand as "unstable". Since 1932,there had been nearly a score of coups and attempted coups in Thailand. The coup of October 6 was the logical culmination of Right-wing reaction to the student-led "October Revolution"three years before—October 1973 marked the high tide of the constitution. Yet the 1976 military coup in Thailand,which ended three years of chaotic experimentation with open politics,was the most significant in terms of both its violence and its political implications. With the October 6,1976 coup,students were brutally repressed by right-wing movements and the Thai state. In short,the student movement,political parties,and rightist forces headed by the Military during 1960 s and 1970 s,by their respective behaviors and actions,had all started in combination the protracted instability of the contemporary Thai political life. In relation to that,a set of memory or witness recorded through an intensive interview constitutes the first-hand source and a large part of the investigation of this article,aimed at discovering,documenting,supplementing and elaborating all the above.
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 2018年第4期15-25,152-153,共11页 Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 泰国 宪政体制 军事专制 1973年“十月革命” 1976年军事政变 Thailand Constitutional Government Military Authoritarianism "October Revolution" in 1973 1976 Military Coup in Thailand








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