
“一带一路”倡议背景下水产品技术性贸易措施领域国际合作的思考和路径探析 被引量:1

Thoughts and path analysis on the international cooperation regarding the field of technical measures to trade in aquatic products in the context of “the Belt and Road”
摘要 在推进"一带一路"倡议的新形势下,中国水产品出口贸易迎来发展机遇,也面临国外技术性贸易壁垒的强势挑战。本研究通过农产品技术性贸易措施官方评议系统网站,采集2004—2015年"一带一路"沿线国家和地区水产品技术性贸易措施通报,结合联合国粮农组织(FAO)和中国海关信息网公布的沿线国家和地区水产品生产贸易状况进行统计分析,进一步探讨中国与沿线国家和地区水产领域技术性贸易措施合作的方向和路径。结果发现:1)东南亚、西亚北非地区是发布和实施水产品技术性贸易措施的热点区域,其次是中东欧地区。东南亚和中东欧地区多采用SPS措施,而西亚北非地区以TBT类型措施为主。2)沿线国家与地区自身的水产品生产与贸易发展不均衡,总体呈现"两端热、中间冷"的特点。东南亚、西亚北非和中东欧地区也是与中国水产品贸易较多的区域。综上可见,"一带一路"倡议背景下,加强中国与沿线国家水产品技术性贸易措施领域合作对促进中国水产品贸易发展有积极意义。可通过制定水产品技术性贸易措施合作规划、深化标准互联互通、建立交流合作途径等方式,加强与沿线国家和地区的水产领域技术性贸易措施合作,共同提升水产品国际竞争力。 In the context of implementing the the Belt and Road Initiative,aquatic products export trade in China has new opportunities for development and at the same time encounters severe challenges in the foreign technical barriers to trade. Our study carries out statistics analysis based on the notifications of technical trade measures for aquatic products in the countries along "the Belt and Road"in 2004—2015 from the website of official evaluation system of technical trade measures for agricultural products,as well as the production and trade data of aquatic products of these countries from FAO and the customs information network of China. The study further discusses the orientation and ways for the cooperation between China and countries along the Belt and Road Initiative in the fields of technical trade measures of aquatic products. The results showed that,1) Southeast Asia and West Asia and North Africa regions are the key regions for the issuance and implementation of technical trade measures for aquatic products,followed by the Central and Eastern Europe region. Southeast Asia and central and Eastern Europe regions have mostly relied on SPS measures,West Asia and North Africa regions chiefly adopt TBT measures. 2) The development of aquaculture production and trade in the countries along the Belt and Road is uneven,and the overall situation is characterized by"hot at both ends and cold in the middle". Southeast Asia,West Asia,North Africa and Central and Eastern Europe also have extensive trade with China in aquatic products. Above all,strengthening the cooperation between China and the countries along the Belt and Road in the fields of technical trade measures for aquatic products in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative has positive implications for the development of Chinese aquatic products trades. In order to strengthen cooperation with countries along "the Belt and Road"in the field of technical trade of aquatic products and jointly enhance the international competitiveness of aquatic products,it could be carried out by drawing up cooperation plan of technical trade measures for aquatic products,deepening standards connectivity,and establishing channels for exchanges and cooperation.
作者 何雅静 房金岑 马兵 刘琪 韩刚 HE Yajing;FANG Jincen;MA Bing;LIU Qi;HAN Gang(Quality and Standards Research Center,Chinese Academy of Fishery Science;Key Laboratory-of Control of Quality and Safety for Aquatic Products,Ministry-of Agriculture,Beijing 100141,Chin)
出处 《中国渔业质量与标准》 2018年第4期7-14,共8页 Chinese Fishery Quality and Standards
基金 农业部农业行业标准制定与修订-国际标准跟踪和官方评议(2016)
关键词 一带一路 水产品 技术性贸易措施 国际合作 the Belt and Road aquatic products technical measures to trade cooperation
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