
高导热聚合物复合材料结构与性能研究进展 被引量:10

Recent progress of structure and properties of high thermal conductive polymer composites
摘要 由于电子信息、通信、航空航天、汽车等技术领域中元器件的功率密度迅速增大,导致设备因局部过热产生性能、稳定性和寿命降低的问题日益严重.因此,运用高导热材料将电子设备中产生的热量尽可能快速且有效地移除,以维持设备的操作温度十分必要.聚合物材料具有轻质、柔性、易加工成型、良好的力学性能、耐化学腐蚀、电绝缘、低成本等优势,在各类电子器件中获得广泛应用.然而大多数聚合物热导率低,难以满足现代电子设备中散热的要求.本文针对导热聚合物复合材料的最新研究进展进行系统介绍,着重探讨填料结构、尺寸、无序性、几何结构,聚合物基体化学结构、链运动、取向、结晶、分子间作用力,以及填料-基体界面热阻对复合材料热导率、导热机制以及函数(线性/非线性)等诸多方面因素对导热性能的影响. With the increasing power densities of electronic components in modern industrial technologies such as information, communication, aerospace and automobile, the performance, lifetime, and reliability of electronic devices is suffering a huge challenge due to rapid heat accumulation. Therefore, there is an urgent need for highly thermally-conductive materials to remove the heat generated from the electronic device to maintain the operating temperature of the devices. Polymeric materials with intrinsic features such as being lightweight, low-cost, flexible, easily processable, chemical inertness, excellent electrical and mechanical properties, are widely used in various electronic devices. However, most polymers have a low thermal conductivity in the range of 0.1-0.5 W·m -1 ·K -1 , which is not sufficient for power dissipation applications in electronics. Polymer-based thermal conductive composites have been developed for this reason. This review discuss filler structure, size, disorder, dimensionality, internal anharmonicities, interfacial interaction, and quantum coherent effects as the factors that combine to determine the predominant mechanism (ballistic/diffusive), effectiveness and functionality (linear/nonlinear) of thermal conduction in polymer composites.
作者 李寒梅 陈蓼璞 朱维维 黄宁宁 澹会菊 房晓敏 张文凯 LI Hanmei;CHEN Liaopu;ZHU Weiwei;HUANG Ningning;TAN Huiju;FANG Xiaomin;ZHANG Wenkai(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Henan University,Kaifeng 475004,Henan,China;Kaifeng Educational Technology & Equipment Office,Kaifeng 475000,Henan,China)
出处 《化学研究》 CAS 2018年第4期429-440,共12页 Chemical Research
基金 河南省科技攻关计划(182102210245) 河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划(16A150003)
关键词 导热 聚合物复合材料 界面热阻 thermal conductivity polymer composites interfacial thermal resistance
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