通过仿真软件对某型废气涡轮增压柴油机进行建模,在原机模型基础上分别在涡轮压气机前端和后端加装电动增压器,分析增压柴油机满负荷和25%负荷工况下,电动增压器前置和后置对于涡轮增压器稳态性能的影响以及增压柴油机1800 r/min时,通过时间3 s,使柴油机负荷从25%提升至满负荷的瞬态工况下,电动增压器对涡轮增压器瞬态响应的影响。通过研究表明:稳态时,涡轮增压器压比和效率随柴油机负荷降低而下降,加装电动增压器能够提升进气流量和涡轮增压器压比以及涡轮增压器效率;瞬态时,设定工况下,电动增压器有助于改善增压柴油机涡轮增压器瞬态进气流量、压比、效率以及涡轮压气机转速响应差的问题。
By using GT-POWER to build a diesel engine model with an electrical supercharger for simulation. The influence of two install methods of electrical supercharging(ES) on turbocharger is analyzed under the full and 25% load conditions of a turbocharged diesel engine also the effect under the transient condition of the diesel engine's speed 1800 r/min and load from 25% to full during the 3 s time. The study shows that in the steady state: the pressure ratio and efficiency of turbocharger decreased with the decrease of the load, and the electric supercharger can improve the pressure ratio of the turbocharger and the efficiency of the turbocharger when it is been installed. In the same condition, the electric supercharger is added to speed up the speed of the turbocharger and finally reach the stability. The working speed of turbocharger is increased and the final time to achieve steady state is shorter.
YAN Jianan;ZHOU Bin;NAN Jingwen;ZHENG Jia(School of Mechanical Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031)
Internal Combustion Engines