
中国海洋合作战略的国际政治经济学 被引量:2

Study on the International Political Economy of China’s Ocean Cooperative
摘要 面对复杂的政治经济形势及发展环境,中国适时地提出推进海洋合作战略,重点推动海洋的纽带功能以及海洋自身在全球化条件下的开发与利用,以实现国家间以海洋为基础的国际商品市场和国际要素市场的合作。本文在构建海洋合作国际政治经济学分析框架的基础上,探讨中国海洋合作国际政治与经济的互动关系,及对国内与国际双重的激励效应,剖析了海洋合作过程中可能的牵制因素。据此,本文提出推动海洋合作战略的双重目标,促进经济合作与海洋治理结构改革,实现中国海洋与陆地两大系统共生、互动发展是未来中国海洋合作战略的必然选择。 Under the situation of economic globalization and regional economic integration, ocean cooperation has become the bridge and content of economic cooperation in various countries. In the face of domestic economic reform and opening to the outside world, and the new normal economic situation, China put forward with world ocean or coastal countries to jointly promote the Oceanographic partnership strategy, focusing on promoting marine link function and the ocean itself under the condition of globalization development and utilization, realizing national marine cooperation based on the international commodity market and the factor market. However, marine development must be subject to the role and influence of international ocean regime and international marine mechanism. On the one hand, it constraints and impacts marine activities carded out, on the other hand, it prompts ocean development and utilization activities toward standardization. For China's international strategic maritime cooperation, whether economic or political goals, they are both the cause and effect relationship and interdependence, mutual promotion. However, whether it is to promote China's internal economic expansion, or change the current adversegeographical situation in the ocean, it is impossible to successfully achieve the dual objectives of China's cooperation strategy. Factors such as misconceptions from maritime areas, competition for maritime interests, and increasingly important non-traditional security constraints have, to a large extent, brought difficulties to the implementation of the strategy. Therefore, the rational and effective promotion of China's economic cooperation and marine governance structure reform to achieve the ocean and land two systems symbiosis and interactive development is the future inevitable choice of marine cooperation strategy.
作者 陈明宝 Chert Mingbao(Marine Economy Research Centre,Sun Yatsen University,Guangzhou,Guangdong,510275)
出处 《中国海洋经济》 2017年第2期208-228,共21页 Marine Economy in China
基金 教育部人文社科青年项目“南中国海渔业医院合作开发与共同保护机制研究”(项目编号:12YJCZH014) 广州市社科规划项目“广州海洋经济发展战略研究”(项目编号:2016GZZK27) 广州海洋与渔业监测运行中心项目“广州市海洋经济发展现状与对策研究”阶段性成果
关键词 海洋合作战略 国际政治经济学 海洋经济 国际海洋制度规范 海洋强国 Ocean Cooperation Strategy International Political Economy Marine Economy Norms of International Maritime System Maritime Power
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