
基于虚拟简支梁法的桥梁动态称重研究 被引量:15

Vehicles' BWIM based on virtual simply-supported beam method
摘要 Moses算法是桥梁动态称重(BWIM)技术中最可靠的算法之一,是目前各商业BWIM系统的基础。然而,受影响线标定的约束,当前的商用BWIM系统仅适用于短跨径桥梁。针对这一情况,提出了虚拟简支梁法。该方法利用桥梁上的某一区段的隔离应变计算车辆的轴重和总重,不受桥梁跨径的限制。建立了跨径为20 m和40 m的简支T梁桥有限元模型,基于车桥耦合振动理论模拟获得桥梁响应,并利用提出的新方法识别了车辆的轴重和总重。分析了路面平整度、车辆行驶速度等因素对识别精度的影响。结果表明:对于较短跨径的20 m T梁桥,常见三轴车的总重识别误差平均值在2%左右,五轴车的总重识别误差平均值低于1%,精度都稍优于传统Moses算法;而对于传统Moses算法不适用的40 m T梁桥,该方法识别车辆总重的误差平均值仍可控制在3%以内,表明该方法不受桥梁跨径的限制,具有更广的应用前景。 Moses algorithm is one of the most reliable algorithms in bridge weigh-in-motion( BWIM) techniques,and is the basis of commercial BWIM systems. However,restricted by calibration of influence lines, the current commercial BWIM systems are only applicable to short-span bridges. Here,aiming at this situation,the virtual simplysupported beam method was proposed. With this method,the strain of an isolated section of a bridge was used to calculate the axle load and the weight of a vehicle not restricted by bridge span. The finite element models of two simply-supported T-beam bridges with spans of 20 m and 40 m were built,respectively. Based on the theory of vehicle-bridge coupled vibration,the two bridges' responses when a vehicle passes through them were obtained. Then the proposed method was used to identify the axle load and the weight of a vehicle. The influences of road surface roughness and vehicle speed,etc. on the identified accuracy were analyzed. The results showed that for the T-beam bridge with a shorter span of 20 m,the average identification errors for the weight of a three-axle vehicle and a five-axle one are about 2% and less than 1%,respectively,the accuracies are slightly higher than those using the traditional Moses algorithm; for the T-beam bridge with a longer span of 40 m to which the traditional Moses algorithm is not applicable,the average identification errors for vehicles' weights can be controlled within 3% by using the proposed method; so,the proposed method is not restricted by bridge span and has wider application prospects.
作者 邓露 施海 何维 罗杰 DENG Lu1, SHI Hai1, HE Wei1 ,LUO Jie2(1. Key Laboratory for Wind and Bridge Engineering of Hunan Province, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China; 2. Hunan Conmmnieations Research Institute, Changsha 410015, Chin)
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第15期209-215,共7页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家自然科学基金(51478176) 湖南省杰出青年基金(14JJ1014) 桥梁车辆荷载动态识别技术的开发与应用研究(900201451)
关键词 桥梁工程 动态称重(BWIM) 虚拟简支梁 Moses算法 bridge engineering bridge weigh-in-motion (BWIM) virtual simply-supported beam Moses algorithm
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