通过对处于不同坡位的暴马丁香(Syringa reticulata var.amurensis)天然林的土壤理化性质及林分因子的研究,探讨了暴马丁香天然林的林分特征及不同土壤理化性质对林分因子的影响。认为:在不同坡位样地中,处于坡中位置的暴马丁香林分因子占优势地位;土壤全磷含量、全钾含量、速效钾含量及有效磷含量对暴马丁香各林分因子有显著相关性。
Based on this study in different slope positions of Syringa reticulata var.amurensis natural forest soil physicochemical properties and stand factors research,this paper discusses the characteristics of natural forest and the influence of soil physicochemical properties on stand factors in Syringa reticulata var.amurensis natural forest.We believed that the stand factors in the middle slope is ascendant;Soil total phosphorus content,total potassium content,available potassium content and effective phosphorus content had a significant correlation with the stand factors of Syringa reticulata var.amurensis natural forest.
Forest Science and Technology