针对基于植物工厂繁育脱毒马铃薯原原种中营养液分段组合管理缺乏合理指导的问题,该文以马铃薯脱毒组培植株为试验材料,在LED植物工厂中,分别针对苗期、块茎形成与膨大期及成熟期设置了营养液不同类型和浓度组合管理的3个全生育期栽培试验,探究营养液分段组合管理对植株生长和结薯的影响。结果表明,霍格兰(H)营养液处理的苗期叶面积显著高于MX营养液(MX)和日本园试(J)营养液处理,H营养液对马铃薯脱毒植株的苗期生长更具优势;MX处理的单株薯数、单株有效薯数及结薯数大于3粒的植株比率分别为3.2粒、2.8粒和83.33%,均高于J和H营养液处理。在块茎形成与膨大期,0.8倍浓度的MX营养液(0.8MX)引起植株纤细徒长,1.2MX抑制株高伸长,1.0MX对植株形态发育有利。在成熟期,0.8MX+MX+0.6MX(B)组合处理的单株薯数、单株有效薯数、单株薯质量、单株有效薯质量及结薯数大于3粒的植株比率分别为4.0粒、3.5粒、23.66 g、23.18 g和100%,显著高于0.8MX+0.8MX+0.8MX(A)和0.8MX+1.2MX+0.6MX(C)组合。0.6MX处理马铃薯植株的株高、地上部干样质量、叶面积、种薯质量均高于0.7MX处理,表明成熟期0.6MX处理对种薯产量形成有利;H+MX+0.6MX(D)组合处理的单株薯质量和单株有效薯质量均为29.78 g,显著高于0.8MX+MX+0.6MX(E)和0.8MX+MX+0.7MX(F)组合。综合考虑植物工厂对营养液管理调控的便捷性、操作管理的可靠性和系统运行的稳定性要求,H+MX+0.6MX的营养液分段组合管理对LED植物工厂中脱毒马铃薯种薯的生产更具优势。
Virus-free seed potato is the basis for potato production in field. Nutrient solution cultivation technology for virus-free seed potato can maximize the potential of seed multiplication and avoid bacterial infection. It is now deficient in the systematic research on the management of the nutrient solution for the virus-free potato cultivation in the LED(light emitting diode) plant factory, and the effective guidance for the whole growth duration of potato has not been put forward. This research tried to investigate the influence of nutrient solution management on the whole growth and tuberization of virus-free potato plantlets. The virus-free plantlets were acclimatized for 7 d, and then the plantlets with the height of 6-8 cm were transplanted into vermiculite. The light intensity was set at 300 μmol/(m2·s-1) and the daytime and night temperature were(22±1) ℃ and(16±1) ℃ respectively. Three different tests were performed, and in the first test 3 different formulas of nutrient solution were set up: Hoagland nutrition solution(H), mixed nutrition solution(MX) and Japanese garden test nutrition solution(J). In the second test, for 3 stages i.e. seedling stage, tuber formation and expansion period and mature stage, different combinations of nutrition solution concentration were set up: 0.8 MX+0.8 MX+0.8 MX(A), 0.8 MX+MX+0.6 MX(B) and 0.8 MX+1.2 MX+0.6 MX(C). In the third test, different combinations of nutrition formula and concentration were set up: H+MX+0.6 MX(D), 0.8 MX+MX+0.6 MX(E) and 0.8 MX+MX+0.7 MX(F). Different nutrient solutions were watered at seedling stage, tuber formation and swelling stage, and mature stage. The results showed that the leaf area of H treatment were significantly higher than MX treatment at seedling stage, indicating that Hoagland nutrient solution had more advantages on the early growth of potato plants. Tuber number per plant, effective tuber number per plant and the ratio of plants whose effective tuber number was more than 3 treated by MX were 3.2, 2.8 and 83.33%, respectively, which were significantly higher than J and H treatment. At tuber formation and swelling stage, 0.8 MX caused the plant to grow thinly and 1.2 MX inhibited the plant height elongation, and the 1.0 MX treatment was beneficial to plant morphological development. At mature stage, tuber number, effective tuber number, tuber mass, effective tuber mass per plant and the ratio of plants whose effective tuber number was more than 3 under the B treatment were 4.0, 3.5, 23.66 g, 23.18 g and 100% respectively, which were significantly higher than A and C. The plant height, shoot dry mass, leaf area and tuber mass of the 0.6 MX treatment were higher than the 0.7 MX, indicating that the 0.6 MX was conducive to the formation of the yield. Tuber mass, and effective tuber mass per plant under the D treatment were both 29.78 g, which were significantly higher than E and F. Taking into account the convenience of management and control in nutrition solution in the plant factory, the reliability in management and the stability of system, the management of H+MX+0.6 MX nutrition solution for the production of virus-free potato tubers has more advantages in LED plant factory.
Xu Zhigang;Wang Xiaoxiao;Chen Song;Gan Lijun(Agriculture College of Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China;Life Science College of Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China)
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
potato vires-free plants
plant factory
nutrient solution management