
Food Safety Evaluation of On-line Take-out Food Service Enterprises

Food Safety Evaluation of On-line Take-out Food Service Enterprises
摘要 The food safety problem of on-line take-out food enterprises is a hot issue of current research. This paper chooses two typical on-line take-out food enterprises in J City as the research object,and uses the mathematical statistics,logical reasoning and model evaluation methods to conduct in-depth research on the food safety of on-line take-out food service enterprises. The main results are as follows:( i) The rapid growth of on-line take-out food service industry poses a serious challenge to food safety in today's society;( ii) This paper constructs an food safety evaluation index system for the on-line take-out food service enterprises,which includes four modules( management qualification; procurement and transportation; conversion of finished products; take-out delivery),and 17 specific evaluation indexes,such as catering licensing status,health status of employees and management system;( iii) Using the evaluation index system in( ii),this paper evaluates the food safety status of enterprises A and B in J City,and finds that the two enterprises have different levels of food safety problems,which are mainly reflected in two modules: procurement and transportation; take-out delivery. The food safety problem of on-line take-out food enterprises is a hot issue of current research. This paper chooses two typical on-line take-out food enterprises in J City as the research object, and uses the mathematical statistics, logical reasoning and model evaluation methods to conduct in-depth research on the food safety of on-line take-out food service enterprises. The main results are as follows: (i) The rapid growth of on-line take-out food service industry poses a serious challenge to food safety in today's society; (ii) This paper constructs an food safety evaluation index system for the on-line take-out food service enterprises, which includes four modules ( management qualification ; pro- curement and transportation; conversion of finished products; take-out delivery), and 17 specific evaluation indexes, such as catering licensing status, health status of employees and management system; (iii) Using the evaluation index system in (ii) , this paper evaluates the food safety status of enterprises A and B in J City, and finds that the two enterprises have dift^rent levels of food safety problems, which are mainly reflec- ted in two modules: procurement and transportation; take-out delivery.
出处 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2018年第8期5-8,共4页 亚洲农业研究(英文)
基金 Supported by Tender Project of Jiaozuo Municipal Government(JZ2018ZB02)
关键词 食品企业 联机收购 发展现状 经济发展 On-line take-out food Enterprises Food safety Evaluation Index system
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