对新疆石河子地区西瓜种植地农田灌溉水样中啶氧菌酯残留量进行检测分析。通过对比溶剂萃取和固相萃取柱富集2种前处理方法,采用GC-MS/MS进行定量,样品的回收率在82%以上,相对标准偏差(RSD)小于1.90%。质量浓度范围为0.05~1.00 mg/L线性关系良好(r2=0.999 4)。该方法的灵敏度、精密度和准确度均满足农药残留分析要求,适用于环境水样中啶氧菌酯农药残留的快速筛查与定性、定量分析。
Residues of picoxystrobin in field irri/ation water samples from watermelon plantin/ areadetermined. With comparing the solvent extraction and solid phase extraction(SPE)column enrichment,athe content of picoxystrobin by /as chromato/raphy - tandem mass spectrometry ( GC - MS/MS) method, the ies was above 82%,and the RSD was less than 1.9% . The mass concentration ran/e is 0. 05 -1 .00 mg/L and the linear rela-tionship is /ood (r^2 = 0 . 999 4 ) . The sensitivity, precision and accuracy of this method can meet the requirements of pesticide residue analysis, and suitable for the rapid screenin/,qualitative and quantitative analysis of pesin in water samples.
FU Shu-qing(Shihezi Hydrologic Survey Bureau,Xinjiang Shihezi 832000,China)
Arid Environmental Monitoring