
孟子“父子之间不责善”的古典学阐释 被引量:2

Mencius on“No Harsh Demand for Good from Father to Son”
摘要 "父子之间不责善"是一个重要的伦理学命题。孟子认为,"君子之不教子"客观上缘于父子特定关系中"势"的不允可,从伦理学依据上讲,则缘于父子主恩的血缘亲情,而这些主张与其性善论有着密切关联。在孟子那里,"不责善"有一定界限,并非针对世间一切父子泛言,可能仅是针对"不肖子"及夏、商、周三代特定情形的"有为之论"。孟子特意指出父子与朋友、父子与师弟、事亲与事君各有规则,不可移易。所谓"易子而教",并非"不谏不教",未必导致"疏远其子",父子有亲、父子天合的伦常观念,依然发挥重要作用。《孟子》除字面之意之外,还应当包含"遗意"及"言外之意":孟子不但强调父子之"教",而且强调"涵育浸灌"之"养";并非主张"不教",而是注重为父者之"身教";亦非完全主张"易子而教",遇子不贤,亦会"亲教",这也是孟子"经权"思想在父子相处过程中的体现。 "No harsh demand for good from father to son"is an important ethical proposition. Mencius believes that the phenomenon of"a gentleman does not teach his son by himself"is externally due to the forbiddance of some behavior based on the circumstances of the specific relationship between father and son. On the ethical basis,it is due to the affection of the blood relationship,and these claims are closely related to the theory of original goodness of human nature. There is a certain limit to "no harsh demand for good"in Mencius,not for all the fathers and sons in the world,but could be only for the"unscrupulous child"and the action-oriented concept of"doing"within Xia,Shang,and Zhou Dynastiesspecifically. Mencius specifically distinguish the differences of the relationship between father and son from the relationship between friends as well as the relationship between father and son from the relationship between Master and apprentice,and distinguish the relationship of serving relatives from serving monarchs. Mencius believes that each aspect has its own rules which cannot be changed. The so-called"exchange one’s son and teach someone else’s son"is not"no admonishing nor teaching",which not necessarily leads to"alienating your son". The moral concept of that Father and son have affections as well as bold relationships still plays an important role.In"Mencius",in addition to the text’s surface meanings,there should also be implicit meanings between the lines. Mencius not only emphasizes that the father should"discipline"his son,but also emphasizes more on"raising children"by"fostering and irrigating". He did not advocate"no teaching",but supported"teaching by precept and example",and also did not advocate"exchanging one’s son and teaching someone else’s son". In case of a son with a contrary character,he should still do the teaching himself. This is also a reflection of the thought of Mencius on"norm"and"right"in the process of fathers and sons getting along with each other.
作者 周春健 Zhou Chunjian(Department of Philosophy,Sun Yat-sen Universit)
机构地区 中山大学哲学系
出处 《文化发展论丛》 2017年第1期105-143,共39页 Culture Development Review
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目“中国四书学史”(13&ZD060) “四书学与中国思想传统研究”(15ZDB005) “中国孟学史”(11&ZD083) 国家社科基金一般项目“辽金元孟学史”(13BZX054) 中山大学“三大建设”专项资助
关键词 孟子 父子之间不责善 伦理 经典阐释 Mencius Father and Son No Havsh Demand Ethics Classical Interpretation
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