
基于Miseq测序技术的琚湾酸浆面浆水真菌多样性评价 被引量:5

Study on the Diversity of Fungal Microflora in Suanjiangmian Jiangshui of Juwan by Miseq Sequencing
摘要 采用Miseq高通量测序技术对10个琚湾酸浆面浆水样品真菌微生物多样性进行解析。结果发现,在门水平上,子囊菌门(Ascomycota)的平均相对含量高达99.68%。在属水平上,相对含量大于1.0%的真菌属分别为假丝酵母(Candida)和毕赤酵母(Pichia),其平均相对含量分别为52.77%和28.97%。在分类操作单元(operational taxonomic units,OTU)水平上,发现10个核心OTU,累计平均相对含量高达45.85%。通过主成分分析和聚类分析发现10个样品根据微生物群落结构特征可划分为3个聚类,而不同聚类间的差异可能是由于假丝酵母(Candida)和毕赤酵母(Pichia)的含量不同导致的。 The fungal microbiota of 10 Suanjiangmian Jiangshui samples,which collected from Juwan Hubei province,were revealed by Miseq high throughput sequencing technologies. The results showed that Ascomycota was the most dominant fungal phyla with the relative abundance of 99.68 %. At the genus level,Candida and Pichia were constituting more than 1.0 % of total sequences,with the relative abundance of 52.77 % and 28.97 %,respectively. At the OTU level,10 OTUs were found shared by all samples with the cumulative average relative was 45.85 % of total qualified sequences. Both principal component analysis and cluster analysis showed 10 samples could be divided into three clusters based on fugal microflora,and Candida and Pichia were identified as key variables significantly associated with the structure difference.
作者 尚雪娇 马磊 余海忠 叶万海 张振东 郭壮 SHANG Xue-jiao1, MA Lei2, YU Hai-zhong1, YE Wan-hai1, ZHANG Zhen-dong1, GUO Zhuang1(1.Northwest Hubei Research Institute of Traditional Fermented Food, College of Food Science and Technology, Hubei University of Arts and Science, Xiangyang 441053, Hubei, China ;2. Zaoyang Food and Drag Administration, Xiangyang 441021, Hubei, Chin)
出处 《食品研究与开发》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第16期158-163,共6页 Food Research and Development
基金 湖北文理学院教师科研能力培育基金"双百行动计划"专项(PYSB20181054)
关键词 酸浆面 浆水 真菌 Miseq高通量测序 Suanjiangmian Jiangshui fungus Miseq high throughput sequencing
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