

The Textual Research on Document Value of The Collected Female Works of the Jiangnan Area
摘要 以文献学角度,对《江南女性别集》这一国内外第一部地域性大型女性文学作品集所特有的价值进行考察,展示其中蕴含的文学性与史料价值,并以期提高学界有关明清女性作家研究对此著作的关注度。在生平资料方面,该集既保留了诗作前后所附题辞与跋语,又收录了前代辑者对作者生平的介绍,结合诗集前的整理说明,多方面对作者生平进行介绍;对于当时的生活场景,则是通过词作题材、生活琐事以及文人雅事,展现出明清时期江南女性闺阁生活不同于其他时代女性生活的清雅风貌;再从家庭教育、师徒传承与唱和联吟三个方面来揭示明清两代作为女性文学创作的高峰以及江南为其中翘楚的原因所在;对女性别集版本与刊刻的记载,为相关研究提供了宝贵的文献资料。 From the perspective of bibliography,the unique value of The Collected Female Works of Jiangnan Area which is first regional large female literature collection at home and abroad has been examined in this paper,displaying the rich literary and historical value contained in the collection,and in order to raise the attention of The Collected Female Works of Jiangnan Area in the academic community's study of the women writers of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.In terms of life story,not only the inscriptions and postscript have been retained before and after the poetry,but also the introduction to the author's life by the former editors have been included,and combined with the arrangement before the poetry collection to investigate the author's life.For the scene of life at that time,the elegant life of the Jiangnan women's boudoir which is different from the women's life in the other times has been showed through the theme of the words,the trifles of life and the elegance of the literati.The reason of the Ming and Qing Dynasty as the peak of literary creation of women and the Jiangnan is on the top has been revealed by this paper through three aspects of family education,inheritance of teacher and apprenticeship,responsory and singing.The records and editions of women's collections provide valuable literature for relevant studies.
作者 储昕蕊 CHU Xin-rui(Library of Anhui Normal University,Wuhu,241002,Anhui)
出处 《蚌埠学院学报》 2018年第4期35-38,48,共5页 Journal of Bengbu University
基金 安徽师范大学研究生科研创新与实践项目(2017CXSJ103)
关键词 《江南女性别集》 文献价值 明清文学 The Collected Female Works of the Jiangnan Area document value literature during Ming andQing Dynasty
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  • 2蒋敦复.《芬陀利室词话》,《词话丛编》,第3675页.
  • 3拙著.《宋元之际作家的心灵活动》,北京:现代出版社,1990年,第2部分,第32-37页.
  • 4夏承焘.《乐府补题考》,第376页.
  • 5邓广铭.《稼轩词编年笺注》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1993年,附录第599页.
  • 6严迪昌.《清词史》,第3章第3节《稼轩风的南北鼓扬者》.
  • 7陈维崧.《湖海楼词》卷首,陈乃干.《清名家词》,上海:上海书店出版社,1986年,第2册.
  • 8程千帆.《全清词·顺康卷》第7册,北京:中华书局,2002年,第4100页.
  • 9孙金砺.《广陵唱和词》,康熙留松阁刊本,陈维崧此词之范评.
  • 10孙金砺.《广陵唱和词》,康熙留松阁刊本,曹尔堪此词之陈评.









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