
英语世界对老舍小说的男性气质研究 被引量:2

Research on the Masculinity of Lao She's Novels in the English World
摘要 20世纪之交的中国,性别与权力的传统关系被动摇,但受西方文化冲击背景关于中国男性化建构的命题较少被研究。老舍小说是其人格气质及人格理想的集中呈现,表现出对中国现代化转型期的男性气质建构及理想形象的深入思考。英语世界学者雷金庆及陈伟明从现代与传统的衔接点切入,考察传统中国男性化模型的理论基础,分析西方语境可能对中国知识分子重建这些模型造成影响,探究新的男性气质类型及其文化史意义。老舍小说《二马》及一些短篇小说成为主要研究案例。 At the turn of the 20th century in China, the traditional relationship between gender and power was shak-en, but Chinese masculinity construction impacted by the western culture was rarely researched.Lao She's novels are the centralization of his temperament and ideal of personality, showing the deep thinking of the construction of the masculinity and the ideal image in the transition period of China's modernization. Kam Louie and Chen Weiming,the English world scholars, starting from the connection of modem and tradition, examine the theoretical basis of the traditional Chinese mas-culine model, and analyze the influence of the western context on the reconstruction of these models by the Chinese intel-lectuals and explore the new type of masculinity and the meaning of its cultural history. Lao She's novels such as Er Ma and some short stories become the main research cases.
作者 续静 XU Jing(College of Teachers,Chengdu University,Chengdu,Sichuan,610106)
出处 《成都大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第4期67-71,共5页 Journal of Chengdu University (Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"英语世界的老舍研究"(项目编号:13CZW063)
关键词 男性气质 雷金庆 老舍小说 《二马》 Masculinity Kam Louie Lao She's Novel Er Ma
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  • 3Judith Fetterley, "Who Killed Dick Diver? The Sexual Politics of Tender Is the Night. " Mosaic,17:1 (1984) 111 -28.
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  • 5Michael Nowlin, "'The World's Rarest Work' : Modernism and Masculinity in Fitzgerald "s Tender Is the Night. " College Literature, Spring 1998:58 - 77.
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  • 7Greg Forter, " F. Scott Fitzgerald, Modernist Studies, and the Fin - de - Siecle Crisis in Masculinity", American Literature, 78:2(2006)293 - 323.
  • 8Bryce Traister, "Academic Viagra:Thc Rise of American Masculinity Studies, "American Quarterly ,52:2 ( 2000 ) 298.
  • 9Frances Kerr, "Feeling ' Half - Feminine' : Modernism and the Politics of Emotion in The Great Gatsby, "American Literature ,68 ( 1996 ) 405 - 31.
  • 10Greg Forter et. al, eds. Desire of the Analysts:Psychoanalysis and Cultural Criticism( NY : NYUP, 2008 ) 147 - 75.











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